Fate And Destiny Part 2 (Decepticons X reader)

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A/N: Part 2 of the previous Fate and Destiny chapter, requested by storyaboutHP >_< 

( I was already planning one so ehehehe, here's the chappy!)

I'm starting to see a pattern of me writing long chapters for Megatron and in all honesty, I'm not complaining. He's really a fun character to write XD

 Enjoy this long chapter~



After a long tedious of self introduction and sharing stories of how the Autobots and Decepticons came to Earth, I was assigned with a charge. Ironically, it was the medic bot I've shown hostility earlier. I've learned that his name is Ratchet and he is the team's medic and also scientist; having to create the groundbridge from scratch.

Quite the amazing feat.

While I was mindlessly looking at the groundbridge, the yellow and black bot, Bumblebee was talking to Raf.

:- Does she not remind you of Optimus with a mix of that fictional character you introduced to me? Er-Sheron? Sherringford?-: Bumblebee beeped at Raf. The small boy laughed and shook his head as he corrected his charge.

"Sherlock, Bumblebee. And yes, she does have a mix of them both..." he trailed off. I look towards them and gave them a small smile. I've rarely smiled these days but the small boy held a special place in my heart.

Scratch that, the three of them got a place within me, even though I've just met them officially.

"Thank you for the compliments Bumblebee, but I'm far from being a Prime. Sherlock though? Quite. I do have a liking to his stories and his way of thinking, after all." I mused and once again the team looked at me with utter surprise.

Is this going to be a daily thing?

"Y-You- can understand him!?" Raf gasped in surprise. I gave the small boy a hesitant nod as I tried to read their facial expressions. Miko and Jack were both in awe, so I'm guessing that Bumblebee's beep is not comprehensible to everyone. At least, not to all humans because the bots understood him just fine.

Looking at the duo, I raised an eyebrow and spoke, wanting to confirm my theory.

"I take it that you both can't understand what Bee's trying to say?" I asked, and they nodded.

"I see..." I mused before walking towards the yellow and black bot, the latter having a mix of surprise and giddy look in his eyes-er-optics.

"Hello." I spoke softly. The bot beeped in happiness and scooped me up, hugging me the best as he could as he ran to Ratchet, holding me up like how Simba was being held as he could not contain his excitement and rapidly beeped at the medic.


"C-Calm down, Bee! And yes, it's quite an amazing...feat." Ratchet said. I gave the innocent bot a small smile and climbed towards Ratchet, who extended his servos for me.

"He's very adorable. The youngest, I presumed?"

"If I had not known of this 'Sherlock', I would highly entertain on the possibility that you possess some kind of magic; regardless of me being in tune with science or not."

"......You've just check who Sherlock is, right?"

"...No." Ratchet lied, darting his optics away from me as he sets me down beside the large computer. The screen had some strange glyphs, I'm assuming them as the bot's language, Cybertronian.

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