Father Figure! (Dad! Optimus X Human! Reader)

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A/N: heeheheh here's a fatherly OP because I can! By the way, this was requested by @KaitlynGlovick ! I hope you like it XD


"M-Mama? P-Papa...?" I called out, wandering around the cold streets of Jasper, Nevada. My feet are hurting and my tummy is making weird noises. Mommy told to stay put while she and Daddy went to go get some stuff.

That was a few hours ago.

I was waiting by the bench at the park for them but the sun had already gone down, yet there were still no signs of my parents returning. Thus, I decided that maybe I should go find them instead. Unfortunately, I don't know my way around here and I got lost in the woods, straying even further from the park.

"H-Hello...? C-Can someone help me p-please...?" I called out, hugging myself to conserve some heat as I trudged bare-footed on the muddy grounds. I took a wrong step and tumbled down a hill, spraining my ankles.

"A-AHH!" I cried, holding my left ankle in pain. Tears started to pool in my eyes as I looked around the massive trees before me. Sniffling, I started to bawl.

I want to go home!

"Mommy...where are you...? Dadddy...take me home..." I sobbed, rubbing my faces with my dirtied hands. There was a rustle in the woods, effectively hushing my cries. I suddenly went fearful of my surroundings, afraid of the encountering wolves. It is night after all.

There was a loud crunch before a massive figure stood in front of me. Its eyes were glowing bright blue and had his head looking down at my small figure.

I screamed.

The huge bot backed away, slowly crouching down to my level. I tried to move away but it hurts too much. Sniffling, I shielded my face with my hands, hoping the monster would leave me alone.

"Little one..." it spoke. The monster's large hands slowly came down and I winced, bracing for the impact. It gently nudges me, using its huge fingers to touch my cheeks. I went silent, not knowing what was going on.

"Where are your parental units, little sparkling?" it asked, eyes gazing softly towards me. The big ...robot was now lying flat on the ground, not making move to attack me as it- he talked to me.

"Parental units...? M-Mommy?" I glanced hopefully towards the big bot. Does he know where my family is? No wait- he asked where they are, so he doesn't know either...

Sniffling, I choked back a sob and told the big mech my story.

"(Y/N) is lost. Mama and Papa went to get some stuff, they told (Y/N) to wait at the p-park...they hadn't come back since then...(Y/N) wanted to find Mama and Papa, but (Y/N) got lost instead..." I cried, rubbing my eyes again. "It's getting cold and dark. (Y/N) don't like being out alone... (Y/N) is scared..." I said, glancing sadly towards the giant bot. He went quiet before drawing closer.

"May I?" he asked. I looked down on his waiting palms and slowly crawled towards it. I tried to make myself as comfortable as I could in his hands. He slowly raised me up to his eye level. Looking closely, I saw a tint of blue and red colour on his body...and they were metal-ish.

"I'll take you in for now, alright? Your body temperature is getting too low, I fear you might not make it out here." He said, once again patting my cheeks with his black fingers. I nudged back, accepting his warm touch.

Shivering, I scooted closer to his fingers but I yelped when I moved wrongly. Flares of pain shot up from my legs and I whimpered, looking at the injured ankle with teary eyes. The large bot notices this and spoke again, concerned of my well-beings.

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