Unpredicted Guest! (TFA X TFP X Human! Reader Part 2)

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A/N: Part two of this series! XD hope ya like it!!!! requested by @sumyatyadana UWU


"Hmm...this version of Optimus is cute." I said, putting a hand on my chin as I gazed up on him. Turning back to Jack, I smirked and spoke up.

"Hey, Jack. This Optimus suits you more; young leader in the making." I chuckled. Jack sputtered, denying my statement.

"W-What!? No! (Y/N), I'm far from a Prime!" Jack said, scratching his arm awkwardly. Miko slapped his back and gave him some pep talk.

"Come on! We'll be seeing Mr. Darby on the billboard next time, running for Mr. President! Have some faith on yourself!" she snickered. Jack threw his hands up, not even bothered to talk his way out of this.

"I-I never mind." He said, shaking his head. 'Optimus' bent down and picked me up, eyeing me strangely.

"Well, I-I don't think leadership is in my programmings...at least, that's what Ultra Magnus said." he whispered. I rolled my eyes and patted his digits, beaming at the naïve bot.

"Well sweetspark, you should trust your sensors more than other bot's opinion. Yeah sure, opinions do matter but you don't gotta take them all to the spark! Filter them accordingly and rightfully. Trust me, you're doing great! It's a work in progress, but this is a good start! Besides, if ya need help, my Optimus knows a thing or two on leadership, he'll let you in on some tips! Isn't that right, big guy?" I said, waving my hand at my Prime.

Optimus nodded, coming forward. His massive frame easily towered all of the alternate reality bots, making them look up to the already intimidating Prime with fear.

"I second that opinion. Young as you may be, you are destined to lead your crew to a brighter future. Now I believe there will be issues along the way, but take it as a lesson to guide yourself down a path; the path of leadership." Optimus spoke wisely, his words stirring up emotions to the team. 'Optimus' stood up straight and extended his servos, smile evident on his faceplate.

"I will try my very best. Thank you, sir." He said. My leader took in the gesture with equal grace, shaking the tiny Prime's servo before glancing towards his crew...and Sentinel. Optimus raised an optic ridge, carefully calculating the egoistic Prime's stature and expressions. Turning to meet the bot fully, Optimus bent down and extended his servos too, wanting to offer peace towards the Prime.

"Greetings. I hope we can get along well for this short period of time." He said. Sentinel gave a look down on the large servo and hesitantly grasping it, his face clear with distrust and unwillingness.

"Uh- yeah, sure." Sentinel replied and broke off the handshake, taking a step back. I gave my Optimus a small pat on his shoulders, shaking my head.

'No point in forcing him.' I said telepathically. Optimus nodded briskly before turning towards the leader of the Autobots...the other reality ones, I mean.

"It is an honour to meet you too, Ultra Magnus." Optimus said firmly, taking in the Magnus's already-extended servos. Their Ultra Magnus smiled, nodding along.

"Likewise, commander. Though, with how your team are acquainted with Decepticons, I take it that you're currently at war?" Ultra Magnus said, optics dimming with sadness. Optimus nodded, sighing a little.

"Indeed. Megatron will stop at nothing until his quest to conquer Earth is successful. Even with much hardship we've faced, we have found companionship along the way." Optimus replied, looking at me with a soft smile. I let out a small giggle and waved my hands, emitting tiny heart-shaped sparks.

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