A Tiny Surprise Part 3 (Dad! Optimus X Sparkling! Reader)

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A/N: Mini chappy for storyaboutHP  ! Hope ya like it XDD This is just a small chapter with the Decepticons mostly, as per her request!


"Decwepticwon! Twansfowm and- and...and wise uhp!" you said, lifting one digit up in the air.

"Impressive." Megatron said, optics filled with pride as you sat on his lap. You had yet again sneaked out of base and paid the mysterious newly-found uncle a visit.

Apparently, teleporting into his base was a routine now and you would frequently jump out of nowhere in the Nemesis, scaring the living daylights of the crew.

Mostly Vehicons, but Knockout had his fair shares of screaming too.

"Little one, you need to get better at your pronunciation." Knockout cooed, handing you a smaller Energon cube to refuel. Megatron swatted his servos away, personally taking his own stash of cube and tipped it close to your dermas.

Knockout rolled his optics but said nothing, not wanting to get on his master's bad side.

"Drink up, kid." He said gruffly. You beamed up at him and took the cube with much eagerness.

"Thwank you!" you said and chugged the fuel down, dripping it everywhere. Megatron sighed in annoyance as he lifted you up, glaring at his stained thighs.

"Kid, you got Energon on me." he grumbled, dropping you off to Knockout with much reluctance and made his way to the wash racks to go clean.

The cherry red medic was about to have his turn to entertain you when Dreadwing popped by, helm sticking out of the door to see you on his servos. Lightening up in joy, the seeker immediately came in and plucked you off from the Decepticon CMO, chuckling at the sight of your messy situation.

"Greetings, little sparkling- oh no, you have been tainted with Energon. Knockout, you have failed to do your duty, we are utterly disappointed." Dreadwing said, glaring at the shocked medic.

"Wait no- it wasn't-"

"I wish not to hear of your excuses. Come m'lady, let me help you." he turned away, carrying the small sparkling to the wash racks.

"HEY! IT WASN'T ME, DAMN IT!" Knockout's cries fell onto deaf audials as you blissfully sucked your digits, watching the kind mech wiping off the mess you've made earlier. Megatron came out of the stall with an optic ridge raised, looking down at you before nodding in approval.

"There, nice and clean." Dreadwing hummed, smiling at you. The peaceful scene was disrupted when Starscream's shriek shook the base, startling you. Hiccupping, you started to bawl.

"WAHHH!" you cried, latching onto the nearest person you could hug.

In this case, it was Dreadwing.

The Decepticon lieutenant got into action immediately, rocking you close to his spark to calm you down. The annoying high-heeled seeker walked into the wash racks, grumbling foul words until he laid optics on you.

"Curse this! Where the frag is my team- What in the Pits?!" he hollered. You gasped, leaning in closer to Dreadwing's frame. Megatron growled, unsheathing his sword.

"Master! I've come with great news after a long trip-"

"THE ONLY TRIP YOU'LL BE HEADING NEXT IS TO THE WELLS, YOU FRAGGING SCRAP METAL!" Megatron roared, chasing after the frightened mech. Starscream's yells echoed the base once again, leaving you and Dreadwing alone.

"Serves him right; no one scares (Y/N)." he huffed, taking you out of the room and made his way back to the brig. Soundwave met with you both halfway and he gently took you over, nuzzling his visored face onto yours before playing a series of recording.

"(Y/N)- needs- go- back to- base." He said. The young child frown, hugging the silent mech.

"(Y/N) want stway..." you replied, laying your small helm onto his visor. Patting your back, the Decepticon communication specialist said nothing and opened up a groundbridge. Dreadwing followed suit, wanting to keep an optic out on you. The three of you arrived at a mountain side before Soundwave sent out a high frequency message.

Within moments, another groundbridge appeared and your sire walked out of it...with a sigh.

"Oh Primus. Thank you, once again..." The Prime shook his helm in exasperation as you smiled sheepishly at the mech. Waving your tiny servos at the two top Decepticon lieutenants, you spoke up.

"Buh-bye!" you said, giggling. Soundwave waved back while Dreadwing gave you a curt nod and a ghost of a smile before returning back to the Decepticon warship.

Looking down at you, Optimus grunted softly as you both made it back to base safely.

"Little one..." Optimus began, optics focused on you.

"(Y/N) play with uncwle Maggy! Uncwle Maggy gib yummy cube!"

"...Megatron fed you?"

"Mhm! He no want Knockies to gib cube to (Y/N)!"

"...I see." Optimus sighed again, rubbing his tired faceplate. You went up to him and cupped his face, scrunching your optics before tackling onto the large mech.

"(Y/N) was scwared! Loud screamy! No like!" you rambled, burying deep into his neck cables as you complained about a certain seeker. Ratchet, who was at his usual work station, burst out into a laughter and nodded along, agreeing with your words.

"Trust me kid, we don't like Starscream too." 

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