I'll Be With You Till The End Of Line. (Smokescreen X Human! Reader)

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A/N: Another Smokescreen X Human reader by @Butterflymed Hope ya like it UWU just a small chappy XD

TW: Trauma, PTSD.


Thunder cracking echoed throughout the Autobot's base. Optimus sighed as he typed on the computer. It was his turn to be on the night shift, letting his oldest friend to get some needed recharge. The rest of the team were also asleep, leaving the wise leader at peace as he continued logging the daily report onto the computer.

"Hey, Optimus? Still up?" I asked, dangling awkwardly by the railing. The Prime caught sight of my action and immediately went to scoop me up, placing me safely by his keyboard.

"That was dangerous, little one. And yes, I believe it is my turn to be on guard. Which brings me to my next question; why are you awake?" he gave a look and emphasized on me. I sighed and pointed at the empty can of coffee.

"I ...drank coffee." I said, regretting my decision. I am absolutely intolerant to caffeine and that slag is so going to stay with me the whole night.

"Why did you...intake such liquid that keeps you awake if you don't intend on staying up?" Optimus asked. The Prime was multitasking, typing while looking out for me.

"I like it..." I smiled sheepishly, scratching my neck. Optimus sighed softly and nudged me gently with his digits, eliciting a laugh from me.

"You're going to be tired tomorrow; you know that right?" he said, a ghost of a smile played on his face. I yawned and nodded, agreeing to his words.

"Yeah, serves me right for my caffeine addiction." I said.


Thunder clapped loudly, making me jump. Optimus merely looked up to the ceiling and spoke, curiosity getting the best of him.

"In Cybertron, we rarely get thunderstorm. But when we do, it's louder than this. Perhaps it is because of the base's thick shielding that muffled the sound, and I can't help but to ask why does Earth have so many natural phenomena?" Optimus inquired, looking at me with his blue optics. Even with the war going on fiercely, the mech still had much wonder with Earth's tradition and beauty.

"Well, I guess it is to sustain the balance of our planet. We're...organics, so we need water. The other natural disasters...well I guess it is part and parcel of our lives..." I mused, suddenly pondering deeply about what Optimus said.

"Come to think of it...it has mostly got to do with humans and pollutions." I said, sighing. I perked up at the thought of Cybertron, fascinated of their culture.

"Hey Optimus, what was it like on Cybertron? Does it rain water or oil?" I snickered, garnering a flat look from the Prime before it morphed into a retrospective one.

"Actually, it's-"


Optimus and I shared a shock look before the former gave me his palms to climb on. Together, we both went to find out. Another thunder clapped and we heard a loud crash followed by my name being called.

"(Y/N)!!" that got me on guard.

It was my charge, Smokescreen.

Optimus sets me on the ground and I went into the mech's room. Smokescreen was on the ground, rocking himself as he called out for me. Running towards his side, I gently patted the scared bot's peds.

"Hey, Smokes..." I said. The bot lifted his helm and quickly scooped me close to his chassis, leaking coolants. I silently waved at Optimus, letting him know that I'll handle this. Optimus nodded and left, giving the both of us some privacy.

"(Y/N) ..." Smokescreen mumbled, hugging me close. I set a hand on his spark chamber, hoping to help ease his worry.

Smokescreen has been having awful nightmares, or spark terrors in their term ever since our base was discovered by the Cons. We had to go on our separate ways due to Optimus's commands, seeing each other weeks later. To top it off, Smokescreen was there during Optimus's near-death condition. Watching his leader almost perish in the hands of the evil Decepticons must have been a wake-up call for his cocky attitude. Though, it seems to be troubling him more than giving him a lesson.

"I'm here... you're safe..." I cooed, touching his faceplate. Smokescreen still wouldn't open his optics, clenching them tightly.

"They are going to take (Y/N) ..." he said, shaking his head in refusal.

"Hey, activate your holoform sweetheart." I asked, hoping he would comply. He did, and instantly I was enveloped with another hug by the lean man. Coaxing him to sit down, I was wrapped in his embrace as he mumbled, shaking a little.

"Don't leave me...Don't go..." he murmured, tears still dripping fresh. I cupped his face, making the man flinch at my touch.

"Smokescreen, I'm here. You're fine, I'm fine. Open your eyes, my dear." I pleaded, not liking him in this state. It pains me to know that our separation has caused him such anxiety to the point that he can't recharge peacefully without the nightmares plaguing, waiting to prey on the mech.

Slowly, Smokescreen opened one of his eyes, looking at me. His breath hitched as he gasped in relief, tugging me close and mumbling apologies.

"It's okay, don't apologise sweetspark. We had to separate, it's not your fault whatsoever..." I said, combing my hands through his thick locks. Ratchet did a marvellous job on replicating our organic biology, giving the Bots a more humanly feel on their holoform.

"Please don't ever leave me, (Y/N) ..." Smokescreen begged, hiccupping. I took his face and planted a small kiss on his forehead, easing his worries.

"I wouldn't even dream of it, Smokescreen. You're my partner, and we're staying together, forever." I said, smiling at the mech. Smokescreen gave me a weak smile but it lasted for only a second when the thunder clapped once more, eliciting whimpers from the Autobot rookie.

"Hey, hey...it's okay..." I took the large blanket and wrapped it around us, shielding both of us from the loud noise. Smokescreen was still in a tender state, shivering and looking around with fear evident on his eyes.

"It's thunder, sweetspark. Nothing to worry about, alright?" I said, rubbing circles on his back. Smokescreen nodded, but he still had a hint of hesitancy in his eyes.

"S-Stay...?" he asked, giving me his big teary eyes. I relented, pecking his cheeks as we got comfy on his bed.

"I'll be with you till the end of line, Smokes."

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