In Need of Help! (Human! Ratchet X Human! Reader)

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A/N: A University AU of TFP! Requested by @Butterflymed ! Hope ya like it! I don't do smut, so here ya go! A fluffy chapter! I love our grumpy medic so much XD


"I hate this." I growled, staring at my piled of work. A knock momentarily brought me out of my anger and I turned around, noticing a figure standing in front of the doorway.

"(Y/N), we're going out for a roadtrip! Wanna come with?" My housemate, Valerie invited. I am very tempted to join, but I still have yet to complete my assignment. Frowning, I gently shook my head no, declining her offer.

"Sorry Val, I'm busy with my work. Go on, have fun without me." I said. Valerie seemed a little down as she shrugged before she left me alone. A few moments later, a door slam could be heard and I sighed.

She's gone, and I'm still stuck with my damn work. Why the hell did I get assigned with this work!? Oh wait, it's an extra credit. Damn it.

Sighing, I looked boredly towards my laptop, groaning at the never-ending amount of work. Professor Shockwave gave me a very difficult assignment and I'm still working over it. In a way, I do deserve this because I asked for it; I wanted the extra credit to make my GPA go higher.

Thank God I was done with Doctor Ratchet's share, that guy was an absolute control freak with work!

Although, Doctor Ratchet is really...handsome. He is a real prodigy and a brilliant scientist as well as a physician! He may be a little old but trust me, he's got the body and smile to cover it up. Damn it, every time he smiles the girls would be swooning!

Keyword; when. The stern doctor rarely smiles and is usually in a grumpy mood. And when I mean grumpy, sometimes he would be so pissed off by the students that some says the wrench would go flying.

I've never witness it happened, so I'm just taking it with a pinch of salt.

A beep caught my attention and I took a peep at my phone. My day got even worse when I saw who it was.

"Hey (Y/N), come and have with us!" Knockout messaged, sending me a pic of him partying at the Decepticon dorm with some of my fellow friends. I rolled my eyes and sent back a text.

"No thank you. Don't you have a test coming up soon?" I replied. A text came back almost instantly.

"Meh, I'll be acing it darling~" he texted. Rolling my eyes again, I sent back an 'okay' emoji and turned off my phone. Getting up, I went to my closet and changed my clothes, deciding that I needed some fresh air rather than being cooped up in my damn room.

Judging by the fact that Soundwave, Knockout, Breakdown, Arcee, Bumblebee and Smokescreen are partying, that means I'm on my own with my work. Dang it, I wanted to do a study group with Soundwave!

I changed into a black buttoned up shirt and long black pants. Since it's getting chilly lately, I took my long trench coat along. Packing up my work and laptop, I took all my necessities and locked my house before leaving.

Now, where should I go-

I perked up as I thought of an idea. Maybe I could seek out the handsome doctor for some advice! He may grumble a lot but his works are a state of art! Smiling, I took a quick walk to the main university gate and made my way through the familiar corridors and up to the main office, where all the teachers are. I scanned for the grumpy doctor's office as I strolled down the empty hallway.

"Sir Wheeljack... Professor Starscream... Sir Ultra Magnus... Aha!" I stopped in front of the oak brown door, the gold plating with embossed name of the doctor standing out. Knocking softly, I heard a gruff 'come in' and followed suit, slowly turning the knob open.

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