Father Figure Part 3 (Dad! Optimus X Human! Reader)

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Part 3 requested by sumyatyadana ! Hope you like it! XD Enjoy~


Random scene 5: Unhealthy snacks.

Quiet and cold silence filled the Autobot's base and the void in the crew's hearts and sparks. You were missing and they haven't seen you for a long period of time, which unnerved them to no end-

"(Y/N)'S BACK!!!"




Oh, you went out on a shopping trip with Miko for some daily supplies, your dad tagging along to chaperone you both.

"Hey kid, had fun out there?" Arcee said, bending down to ruffle your hair. You beamed, instantly changing the depressing mood of the base with your positivity.

"Mhm! (Y/N) got snwack!" I said, holding up the bag of goodies proudly. Ratchet sighed, walking over to look at the unhealthy junk Miko had gotten for you. The medic sent the Japanese girl a glare but Optimus stepped forward, smiling sheepishly.

"Uh- there's some for me too, old friend." Optimus coughed out; faceplate dusted blue with embarrassment. Ratchet did a double take and sputtered, optics widened with disbelief at his leader.


"T-They were having offer!" Optimus defended, pouting at his best friend.

"Not the point! You are a-"

"Cybertronian. I am well aware of that but my holoform can take these in moderations. Rest assured, I will not indulge in this excessively." The Prime smirked, waving his black servos at the medic.

"I am NOT treating you if you've fallen ill, Optimus." Ratchet replied, rolling his optics. Optimus gasped loudly; optics filled with hurt. Ratchet groaned, pulling a long face at the Autobot leader.

"Optimus, I highly suggest rebooting your processors because you're not acting like a Prime, Primus damn you!" he hissed. The blue and red mech was about to fight back when your voice brought the two old mech's out of their bickering.

"Daddy! Come eat snawck!"




Scene 5: Play dress-up.

"Here, try this on." Miss June said, handing me a large pink dress. It was sparkling and puffy...and I don't know how to wear it.

Gingerly taking the fabric off from her hands, I said my thanks before I went to the room to go change. Staring at the shiny clothing, I gulped and hesitantly put it on.

When I was done, I slowly twirled around the mirror, trying to see if it was okay and I hadn't worn it wrongly. With a sigh, I made my way out of the room only to see my family waiting eagerly.

...Miko had a camera in hands. Oh no.

"AAAAHHHH! You're so cute!!" the teen girl screamed, snapping a few pics. Flashing lights did not help my blushing as I stared to the ground feeling awkward in this oversized princess gown.

It's pretty and lovely, but mommy never lets me wear these. She said it's unpractical and she might have a point. I think I like my shorts better, but this is a better change, I guess?

"You look astounding, little princess." Daddy said, holoform activated. He was in a...

Dad was in a prince outfit like those Disney movies!

"Woah! Daddy is a prince- No wait- A KING!" I giggled, lifting my dress up and ran towards his outstretched hands. Picking me up, he spun around before holding me tight, smile still etched in his face.

"I believe we are all of a royalty now, little one." he said and I took a look at the team. They had their holoforms activated and were also dressed up accordingly.

Arcee was a hunter, donned in a blue royal suit. Bulkhead was in a blacksmith's outfit while Bumblebee was dressed up as a baron. Ratchet had a robe on and a large hat, like a wizard! Miko was a princess too, while Raf was a young bard while Jack was a butler, his long coat with tail making him look stunning!

"Lady (Y/N), your wish is our command." They ceremoniously said, bowing down to me and dad. Optimus chuckled, setting me down before going down to one knee.

"King Optimus at your service, my princess."


Random scene 6: Ambition.

"Hey (Y/N), what do you wanna be when you grow up?" Jack asked, combing the (h/c) girl's hair. The boy took up his role as a big brother seriously, making sure the kid had someone to look up to besides the bots of course.

"(Y/N) wanna be like daddy!" I beamed. Jack chuckled, pinching my cheeks.

"We all do, sweetheart. What I meant was, what kind of ambitions do you have?" he said. I furrowed my eyebrows, concentrating hard.

"(Y/N) doesn't know...what kind of job does daddy do?"

"...I don't think you want to know, kid."

"But-but- daddy is cool! (Y/N) wants to follow daddy!" I pouted. Raf chuckled, coming over to the sofa, laptop still in hands.

"I agree with you, (Y/N). But we can be badass in our own ways too. Take Ratchet for an example; he's a doctor and a scientist. Don't you think he's brilliant?" Raf said.

"Uncle Ratchet is amazing!"

"Thanks kid." He smiled back, turning from the computer for a brief moment.

"So... you wanna be a doctor?" Miko suddenly appeared from behind, startling the three of us. I gave the Japanese girl a giggle before sucking my thumbs subconsciously, pondering on my dream job.

"Uncle Ratchet is a smart mech...(Y/N) like his job but it doesn't seem to fit in right with (Y/N)... (Y/N) wants to- (Y/N) likes to read!" I said, beaming up. Bumblebee came over, voicing up his opinion.

:- You wanna be a teacher?-:

"Er..." I halted, scrunching up my face. "I don't want to teach." I said, shaking my head.

This is so hard...

"How about engineer?" Bulkhead offered.

"Hmm...don't sound right." I sighed.

"Gymnastics?" Arcee butted in. I gasped in horror, shaking my head profusely.

"(Y/N) scared of heights!" the bots laughed, chuckling at my expression. Miko petted my head, winking at me.

"Cheer up, kid! You'll find out what ya want soon enough!" she said. I nodded, but I was still deep in thoughts. Daddy appeared and picked me up, giving me a curious but tender look.

"What troubles you, little sparkling?" he smiled.

"(Y/N) don't know what I want to be when I grow up. (Y/N) wants to be like daddy..."

"Oh? You want to be a data archivist?" he perked up, optics brightening. I tilted my head to one side in confusion.

"D-Data archivist?" I asked.

"It's where we bots collect data and store them into a datapad or we would upload it to the computer. Once you've reached the time or quota for the day, you get to retire back to your housing unit. Sometimes we would debug the computers or update the systems too." Optimus explained. My mouth was open wide as I gaped at my dad.

"That's what I want to do!" I declared, hugging his neck tight. "Thank you, daddy!" I giggled. Optimus nodded, happy to help.

"Wait, (Y/N) wants to be a librarian?" Agent Fowler piped in out of nowhere, giving the kid a flat look.

"Yeah, it's cool!"

The team dryly chuckled, not wanting to hurt the kid's feelings. Jack sighed, leaning back on the couch with an amused smile.

"Like father like daughter then."

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