Bully oh Bully! (Smokescreen X Human Reader)

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A/N: Hi! Another request from @Butterflymed! Just wanted to say that to all my fellow readers suffering from low self- esteem, you're FRAGGING BEAUTIFUL! Enigma loves you all very much so please don't hurt yourself, okay? You matter. PERIOD!

To the bullies out there, I hope y'all are kept up late night with all the horrible things you've done to others and reflect on it. Don't hurt someone if you don't like them, just leave them for fuck's sake.

That being said, I hope you can take comfort in reading this chapter.

TW: Suicide, Bullying, Low self-esteem, depression.


"Miss (L/N), what is the answer to question number 5?" my teacher asked flatly. I gave a glance onto the blackboard before sighing internally.

"er- 25!" I said, knowing the answer doesn't matter anymore. I knew it that X equals 100 but I had purposely said it wrongly because the last time I've said it right, I got my head shoved into a locker.

Truly, not great at all.

"Miss (L/N), it would do us a favour if you can exercise that brain of yours once awhile...alongside with your body, of course." My teacher scoffed at the last part, inciting snickers throughout the class. My face went beet red as I sat back down, ashamed.

"Sit properly, or you might break a chair." Vince snidely says, throwing a ball of paper at my head. I ignored it, hoping that the day would be over so that I can go back to base to spend time with Smokescreen.

The bell rang and I got up, packing my stuff. I rushed out of the classroom, making my way out of the room in haste, not wanting to spend another second there. Rushing towards my locker, I unlocked it and changed the books, hoping to make it in time before-


...I guess I'm too slow.

"Well, well, well. The monster got speed~" Vince laughed, shoving me to the locker. My back ached badly but I held my tongue, just letting the bully have his way. Sierra came to his side, checking me for a moment before rolling her eyes.

"Can we hurry up? She stinks." Sierra groaned, glancing at her fingers. With a look of disgust, she gripped my face before spitting straight on. Vince pulled onto my hair and slammed my face onto the locker. The impact left some bruises and cut marks onto my cheeks, but it didn't matter anymore.

The damage has been done.

Picking my body up slowly, I took the rest of my stuff and closed the locker. Miko and the gang came to me, gasping in shock.

"(Y/N)!" she called, gently putting a hand onto my shoulders.

"It's okay, let's go home." I said, silently thanking Jack for the wet tissues and wiped my face. We walked out, waiting for our guardians at the steps. I didn't want to meet Smokes in this way and changed my mind.

"Hey, how about you guys go ahead to base? I'll catch up later." I said, running off. The trio didn't have time to ask before I was gone, confuse clearly written on their face. The sound of car honking brought them out of their trance as they unwillingly went back to base with their friend.

Back at base, Smokescreen giddily came forward, excited to meet his best friend. He had a scouting mission today, hence why he couldn't pick you up.

"Hey guys! Where's (Y/N)?" he asked, sounding hopefully. Miko sighed, hopping off from Bulkhead with a look of sadness, the same goes with Jack and Raf.

"What's wrong?" he asked. Bulkhead, Arcee and Bumblebee tilted their helms towards the kids, asking the same question.

"You're awfully quiet today, Miko. What's up?" Bulkhead commented.

:-You look sad, Raf. What happened?-:

"You had a grim look, Jack. Don't even try to deny." Arcee said, bending down. Jack shook his head, speaking up slowly.

"It's (Y/N)...she got bullied today." Jack sighed, rubbing his eyes. The Bots gasped in shock, not believing their audials. Smokescreen's optics dimmed and he transformed, driving out of the base to find you.

"SMOKESCREEN!" Miko yelled, but the rookie sped off, leaving tire marks in the base.


You had finally reached home. Exhausted, you threw yourself onto your bed, dropping your bags on the ground without a care. Sighing, you forced yourself to wash your face as you headed to the bathroom. Staring back into the mirror, you realised how ugly you looked, and how you wished you had never existed.

Perhaps it would be wise to take their advice and cease to exist.

Opening the cupboard, you stared at the sleeping pills emotionlessly. You were struggling with insomnia and depression, but today was bad. You felt...empty.

'Just perish. Die. Go sleep and never wake up.' your brutal thoughts struck once again. Opening the pills, you dumped them onto your hands and counted.

Ten pills. Not enough. I need MORE. Scouring the cabinet, you opened another bottle and counted. 30 pills, good.

This will do.

"(Y/N)!" Smokescreen slammed open the door, only to see you nearly swallowing a bunch of drugs. Slapping your hands away, you watched the medicine fall to the ground mindlessly as he shook your shoulders.

"What in Primus's name are you DOING!?" he yelled, gripping your shoulders tightly. The injury from earlier's incident flared up, making you wince in pain. Smokescreen took notice of this and shrugged away the large jacket you were wearing to see a portion of your back purplish-black.

"What...happened...?" he muttered, tracing his hands faintly on the wounds. Your senses finally came back and the dam broke. You let out a choked sob and wailed into his arms, crying your heart out.

"I-I'm a mess! I hate this! Why am I still alive!? I don't want to live this way anymore..." I cried, gripping onto Smokescreen's shirt. The mech stiffens up, not liking the negativity radiating from me.

"Hey! Why are you saying such horrid things!?" he growled, fury clear in his eyes.

"I'm ugly, Smokes...I'm hideous. I am fat, horrible and a mistake!" I continued weeping, gripping my hair. He slowly took my hands and pulled me into a hug.

"Who told you that? You're the most beautiful, sweetest, smartest gal I've ever met! Hell, you got them beauty with the brains, my love." He said, cupping my face and silenced my weeping. I sniffled, crumpling into his embrace.

"How can you love me? I'm...fat and ...ugly." I said.

"Not in my optics, you're not." He replied, wrapping his hands around me and kissed the top of my head, whispering into my ears. His words made my heart fluttered and I realised, maybe being alive does matters.

"You're my charge, my love. To the Pits if anyone dares to lay false claims on you. Rest assured; you'll forever be my beauty."

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