Fate And Destiny Part 3 (Autobots X Human! Reader X Decepticons)

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A/N: Part 3 of the Fate and Destiny chapter! This chapter is quite long so I'm splitting it into two! Will post the fourth part soon, stay tuned!



Ever since the incident with the Decepticons, I've been wearing the commlink and visor as my battle gear. I did take out the tracker and made Ratchet to do some altering on it, so now it's fully safe to use.

But I did manage to keep the Decepticon's commlink, so that's great. Once awhile, I'll send a message to Soundwave and keep tabs on them, just for fun.

Everything was going on well as my days with the Autobots were meaningful and amazing. It was as if nothing was going to go wrong anymore and that fate was finally being nice to me. I had naively assumed that life was finally taking a turn for the better and I'll get a happy closure.

Oh, how wrong I was.


Third Person's POV.

"Is (Y/N) alright? She seems...tired." Jack asked, looking at the small figure leaning on the railing, half-asleep. Raf looked over at the athletic girl and nodded, agreeing with Jack.

"Yeah. Lately, (Y/N) doesn't do much stuff except sword practice and rest with Ratchet...but something's off with her. She's more...quiet. Not that she wasn't before, but she's hiding something..." Raf said, looking at (Y/N) with worry. The femme human was like his surrogate sister and he felt a pang of sadness at the girl's condition.

"Is something wrong?" Optimus spoke up, leaning down to meet up with the kids. Jack nodded in respect to the leader as he explained the situation.

"No...I guess. We're just worried for (Y/N). She looks worn out lately and she's not telling why." He said, rubbing the back of his arms. Optimus nodded and replied, the Prime also voicing his agreements to Jack's suspicion.

"You're not wrong to ponder on that thought. (Y/N) ...she's not herself lately as I've noticed. But, let us give her time and space; she'll come around." Optimus tried to assure the kids, but deep down he too felt off about (Y/N). The girl was easily tired out as of these days and it worried him to no end. 

The kids and Optimus's talk was cut short when they heard (Y/N) yelped and fell onto her behind, startled from her short nap. The girl was breathing erratically as she looks around, her eyes red and bloodshot as she had a dangerous look on her face. Realising she was back at base, (Y/N) finally calms down and rubbed her eyes tiredly as she sighed.

"What's wrong?" Ratchet asked, peeking over from his computer with worry. (Y/N) said nothing as she shook her head, flashing the medic a fake smile. The façade faltered when she received a call.


"Excuse me." I said and went to a corner to receive the call.

"Hello?" I answered. The line was silent and I was about to put the call down when a familiar voice spoke, successfully scaring me to the core.

"(Y/N), that's not how we taught you to greet us." My mother spoke, her voice firm. I could not help but gasp as I hear her cold voice. I slapped my forehead and started to panic.

Mother only calls when she's coming home with family.

"I-I a-apologise, mom- I mean-mother! I'm o-outside currently- b-but I'll come home now! Please, g-give me a-a moment!" I said hurriedly but the line cuts off before I could explain why.

Oh no.

"R-Ratchet! M-May I please request a groundbridge back to my house? It's u-urgent!" I stuttered as I quickly gathered my stuff. I managed to trip over a few times due to my panicking but it didn't matter. Ratchet looked at me worriedly but I didn't bother to explain.

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