Shall We Dance? (Megatron X Femme Reader)

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A/N: Requested by @storyaboutHP ! Hope ya like it! And as always, Megs gets the long chapters because he's that special alongside with OP XD Enjoy~


"Oh my Primus, it's (Y/N)! Can I get a picture please?" a young mech said, jumping up and down. I smiled and nodded, letting the mech have his joy of snapping a memory with me.

You were a newcomer in the Pits, but your strength surpasses most of the bots and you've used that as your advantage. Quick-witted and agile, you managed to offline countless bots that foolishly challenged you. In the beginning, you were hesitant on using your strength as fame. But as time goes by, you've already paved a career with said gift and you're far from regretting it.

As such, you've garnered quite the admirers and fans, all in awe of you winning countless battle. Usually, the Pits are filled with mech warriors and mindless criminals, but you were different. You did this for a living...and the thrill of it. Though, the latter came much later and you had to deal with countless sleepless nights due to your feelings getting the best of you.

Your ever-growing fame also made you a target by other ruthless warrior, envy and jealous of your rankings. They tried to mock and falsely accused you in the Pits, but your strength doesn't lie and they would all end up dead or severely injured, rendering them useless for the rest of their measly lives.

You were also the one femme that caught the number one gladiator of Kaon, Megatronus. Initially, he wouldn't even bat an optic at your designation, assuming that you were just one of those all-talk-but-no-do type of bots. But as time prevailed, he realised you were more than meets the eye.


Back in the present...

"And now for the moment we've all waited for! The killer femme that's been rising rapidly within the ranks! Will our Kaon champion finally meet somebot worthy of his challenge?! Will there be a new champion!? WELCOME...(Y/N)!!!!" The speaker announced and the crowds went wild. The long iron bars opened and you stepped out of the shadows, facing the silver gladiator by the name of Megatronus.

Megatronus gave you a glance, silently taking in your stance and calculating your moves. With a sigh, you raised your servo and sent the gladiator a lazy smile.

"Heya, silver guy! Ready to have your throne passed down to me?" I said, arching a little as I stretched. The mech before barked out a laugh and raised his pointer digits at me.

"Hardly unlikely. Shall we dance?"

"Oh, dance we shall."

And the fight began.

As quick as a lightning, I appeared before the mech, aiming for his helm. I have heard tales of this gruesome bot and didn't want to stay long to find out. I wanted to end this quick and clean so that I may go home to retire for the day. My double sword clashed with his and sparks flew out.

Megatronus gave me a smirk before pivoting out of the way, putting a tiny distance between the two of us. I backflipped and crouched to the ground, calculating his pressure points and weakness before striking again.

This time however, he was prepared. The champion gladiator blocked out all of my moves and threw me far away. The silver mech aimed his fusion cannon at me, charging it up. I smirked.

I've been waiting for that, you slagger.

Feigning a look of shock, I stood stock still until the very moment the blast came before dashing to a corner. Debris and dust danced in the air and I took that as my chance to take him down for good. With a sprint, I transformed my blades into a long spear and jabbed it down into his left shoulder, narrowly missing his vital cables.

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