Human Errors Part 4 (Team Prime X Human!Reader X Decepticons)

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A/N: Part 4 of the series! Enjoy this really chaotic chapter I wrote last night but forgot to post T^T 


"H-Hey! No fighting in the house!" I said, standing in between of the two men. The testosterone of these two Cybertronian (if they have one, idk.) are getting thicker and the tension is palpable. With a loud sigh, I put my hands in the middle of the two men's chest, pushing them away from one another.

"Enough, both of you! If you're going to fight, I'm going to kick all of your asses out of the damn door!" I warned, sending the two buff men a glare. Megatron gave me a glance before backing away, and Optimus did the same.

"On the contrary, I wish not to fight. I was invited by (Y/N) to have a dinner; I'm getting one." Megatron muttered coolly, giving me a nod. Optimus gave me a look of surprise, his blue optics wide with shock and...annoyed. my defense, the Decepticons did look hungry and I felt bad. How the hell would I know they were the same bad guys y'all fighting with?

"Come on, you guys must be starving. I'll make something quick, just sit down and um...don't kill each other, please?" I asked. Team Decepticons scoffed and the Autobots followed suit, dramatically turning their heads to opposite sides just to get the message across. I sweatdropped but went back to the kitchen, starting up dinner.

What I didn't realised, however, the two factions aren't really able to sit tight and be silent for an hour. The good side of it however, was that they didn't start a war, which was great.


"...So...did (Y/N) find you guys at a bench starving too?" Knockout began, looking at the Autobots. Arcee rolled her optics and leaned back, crossing her arms at the red-tipped man.

"No, we're much...better. How did y'all turn into humans?" she shot back.

"We're hoping you got an answer to this...horrible predicament bestowed upon us!" Starscream joined in, plucking his shirt in disgust. Bulkhead was glaring at Breakdown, still not liking that the Decepticons were in the same house as them.

Soundwave was sitting quietly, stroking Laserbeak's feather. The small Minicon turned into a black raven and was not happy about it, chirping to its master for the last two days. The small bird finally calmed down and sat down on Soundwave's lap, but it was still wary of its surroundings.

"What are the odds of us finding the same femme that took the Autobots under her wing to be serving us dinner?" Megatron sarcastically said, drumming his fingers against his arms. Primus must be having so much joy watching his team suffer along with him. They haven't refuelled for two days and when they finally had the chance to, they are now faced with the damned Autobots.

Optimus was still wary of the mech-turned-human before him, not being able to decipher what the warlord is up to. Standing up, he decided to head towards the kitchen to help you.

He liked you, full stop. The minute he noticed you, the Prime could not help but gasped in awe of your beauty. Smiling to himself, the Autobot leader made his way to the kitchen.

"Need some help, little (Y/N)?" Optimus asked, peeking over the counter. You peered over through your shoulders to look at the man and smiled.

"Hey there! Finally calmed down, Mr. Boss Bot?" I teased, carrying up the roast chicken from the oven. I had them marinated the night before and was hoping to serve it tonight, I just didn't think I would be out for so long.

"Smells delicious. And yes...I think?" he trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. Optimus stood by close, hoping to be able to assist you.

"If you don't mind, could you set up the table please?" I asked, taking out the tray of baked potatoes and carrots before setting them on the counter. Optimus nodded and went off, easing my burden just a little.

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