Human Errors! Part 1 (Team Prime X Reader)

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"WHAT THE FRAG IS THIS?!" Ratchet yelled, running towards the main hangar with the most incredulous look he could pull off as he dashed towards a nearby screen to see his reflection.

"Such a great opening chapter, Ratchet..." Miko said under her breath.

"WHAT IS THIS!? WHY AM I A...HUMAN!?" He said, disgusted.

"Hey, don't use that tone! Being a human isn't so bad, ya know?" Miko huffed, setting a hand on her hips. A loud, high-pitched scream came next.

"Is that...Bulkhead?" Jack asked, cupping his ears and peeking out to look from the human lounge.

"MIKOOOOOO!!" Bulkhead screamed, running towards his charge. Stopping in front of her, he was gasping for air and held up one finger, trying to catch his breath before he spoke.

"Hah-Hah- M-Miko...scrap... minute..." he said, sitting on the floor, unusually tired out. Looking up to meet his charge's gaze, he tiredly spoke up.

"Are you humans that weak or is it just me? W-Why the hell am I p-panting like crazy? I just r-ran for like what? A few meters?" Bulkhead said, fanning himself with his hands. "-and why is it so hot!?" he continued, groaning audibly.

"Firstly, it has been like that for us humans for a very long time. Second, you ran quite the distance from your room to our main living area, so your body is producing sweat to cool ya body off and in desperate need of air." Miko explained.

Optimus and the rest of the team came around, all looking equally shock and confuse. He was still the tallest among them but he felt off with the height difference as he realised a grave problem.

How in the Pits were they going to fight the Decepticons in this form!?



After a brief explaining about 101 on being human and stopping Ratchet from throwing a real wrench because humans will actually die from such hard tool, the kids and Fowler decided that this situation was more than they can handle...until Miko thought of someone.

"Hey, Mr.Fowler! I uh- I might have an idea on where they can um- stay until we figure this out..."

"What do you mean?! We are NOT LEAVING BASE!" Ratchet huffed. The grumpy medic had been grumbling in his breath ever since he was turned into a human. If it wasn't for Optimus, said doctor was probably going to go berserk.

"You can't exactly stay here either! All your equipment and stuffs are large! How the hell are you gonna go up to your bed!? WHAT ABOUT YOUR FOOD!?" Miko snapped back.

For once, the Japanese girl had some common sense in her.

"Wow, what's gotten into you?" Jack said, setting a hand to calm the femme human down. The teen boy sighed and spoke up, taking after Miko.

"I mean, our guardians being a human is quite fascinating, but Miko's right. This is kinda a problem, with us not knowing whether the Cons are still in bot forms or like us too." Jack said.

"And what do you have in mind, Miko?" Arcee said, crossing her arms in front of her.

"I would love to have Bulkhead in my house, but my host parents are not going to have it. Neither would Raf with Bee, I believe and so are you with Jack..." Miko rambled, flipping open her phone and searched through her contacts. "-the government is not gonna be happy with their special forces being...human," Miko made a shrug as she continued, wincing as she said the term 'human'. "-but maybe I have a certain someone who PROBABLY wouldn't mind you guys...probably."

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