I Didn't Sign Up For This! Part 2 (Team Prime X Human! Reader)

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A/N: PART 2 OF THE SERIES! Yep that's it. Enjoy the chapter~ Requests are still on the way, hang on okay?


"So, as I was saying earlier, (Y/N) will be my partner as liaison to the human. As such, she will be stationed here, reporting to me of YOU GUY'S attitude and behaviour!" Agent Fowler said, crossing his arms in front of him. I just got my ass told of by him for the fourth wall, and it wasn't pretty.

Fortunately, my guardian is Optimus so everything else does not matter.

Standing up, I dusted my behind off and chipped in, looking at Fowler with a hint of defeat.

"So...I'm pretty much stuck with baby-sitting? They're adults, they don't need to be looked after!" I huffed, leaning back on the railing. Agent Fowler smirked, rolling his eyes as he started to make his way back up.

"I told you, you wouldn't like it. Can't pull out now, can you?" he smugly said, closing off the elevator. His figure disappeared and I dropped the act, breaking into a fit of laugh as I spoke.

"Oh Fowler, you still suck at body language reading. If you think this is enough to make me pull out, then you've sadly underestimated me." I chuckled, turning back to the group.

"Woah, you pulled a double trick of Fowler?" Miko fist-pumped in the air. I nodded, hoping onto Optimus's waiting servo. Looking around the base, I tilt my head in confusion.

"Hey guys...y'all are using the old version of the computers huh? Might need to give y'all an upgrade." I said, shaking my head. This won't do.

Where the hell has the Pentagon's budget gone to?

"YES! FINALLY! THANK YOU FOR ACKNOWLEDGING THIS!" Ratchet hollered, laughing in agreement.

"Our base has much more bleeding edge techs. That being said, I think I might have some scrap techs I stole from MECHS? MECHO? M something, their organisation sucks but their techs are admittedly not bad." I said, picking out a scanner from my bag and handed it to Ratchet. The medic took a glance and nodded along.

"For a human technology, this is surely advanced- wait- HOW DID YOU ACQUIRE THIS!?" he snapped out of his thinking, pointing his finger at me. I shrugged, sitting peacefully on Optimus's hand.

"Like I said, I stole them."

"THAT DOES NOT EXPLAIN THE SITUATION!" he said exasperatedly.

"I had a run in with the Silas guy, I gave him the scar on his face." I replied, winking. The kids gave me a look of awe, impressed at my achievement.

"You gave that guy the scar on his eyebrows?!" Miko squealed, jumping up and down. I laughed, petting Optimus's fingers to lower me down. He complied and I hopped off, explaining to the eager child.

She's bubbly and lively, I like it.

"Yep! He said I fight like a girl...well I do, and he got that scar to remember! Though, I hadn't exactly came out unscathed either." I said, lifting my sleeve to show Miko a long scar across my arms down to the elbow. A collective of gasps was heard as they all stared at my battle wounds.

"It's a long story, but the guy still holds grudges with me. Now, how do you guys know of Silas?" I smirked, knowing I got them in their place.

Miko sounded as if she knew the guy with how she had mentioned his eyebrows, when I've only said his face. Besides, none of the team ever asked who was MECHS or Silas, implying that they knew the guy.

Arcee smirked, bending down and poked my hair slightly.

"Sharp mind; you're good." she commented and stood up straight, letting Optimus to do the explanation as she walks away.

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