Human Errors Part 3(Team Prime X Human! Reader X Decepticons)

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A/N: Part 3 of the series! Please read with the song above for extra feel! I'm in love with this so I hope you do too! Enjoy~


After giving the team a meal, I was left with the whole team's load of dishes to wash...oh well, at least they enjoyed the food. Agent Fowler bid his goodbyes after the lunch, having some stuff to settle at the Pentagon.

Miko was helping the team to get use with the house while I do the dishes. Humming softly, I swayed my hips as I cleaned the bowls and plates, not noticing a figure coming up behind me.

"Stars when you shine, you know how I feel! Scent of the pine, you know how I feel!" I sang, smiling and working through the dishes. "It's a new dawn, it's a new day, for me....and I'm feeling...good~" I continued, rocking my hips and sliding the plates onto the cleaning racks.

"You have a beautiful voice (Y/N). I believe you are a femme with many talents."

"AAAAAAHH!" I screamed, dropping the slippery cutleries in the sink. Thank God I wasn't holding the ceramic bowls!

"Ah, you're easily spook too. I've...forgotten about that detail." Optimus said, but his smirk said otherwise. I gave him a dirty look before sprinkling some water at his face.

"You scare me Optimus!" I huffed, turning back to deal with my chores. The Prime chuckled deeply, wiping the water off and stood by my side for a moment, silently observing me washing before picking one up and mimicking my moves.

"Hey, I'll do it." I said, but the Prime was insistant.

"May I be off assistance, please?" he asked, giving me those damn puppy eyes again. Sighing, I let him help me with the mountain of dishes.

...He was sloppy, but he had the spirit.

"Here, this is how you do the dishes." I said, picking up one plate and sponged it, wiping away the dirt before rinsing it away. Optimus's eyes lit up and he followed my steps. Within moments, we were done cleaning.

Now, onto wiping them and placing back onto the cupboards. Taking a piece of cloth, I handed the Prime one cloth and showed him how to properly dry the utensils and storing them in the right place. Again, the mech was a fast learner and did the job perfectly.

Fuck, there goes another reason to love this man.

"Thank you, Optimus. Didn't you look around the house with Miko?" I said. Optimus shook his head and took my hands, winking at me as the giant man look down at me.

"No, I was hoping that it would be you doing the honors, (Y/N)." he smoothly said. His blue eyes seemed to be glowing, must be a trick of light. My breath got caught and all I could do was to stare like a fool at the Greek God before me.


Feeling a little brave, I accepted his hold and led him out of the kitchen, ready to give him a tour.

"Shall we?" I replied, smiling at the Prime. My smile was instantly wiped off from my face when a certain Japanese teen's phone snapshot sound brought me out of sight from the dazzling man before me.

"MIKO NAKADAI I'M GOING TO COOK YOU FOR DINNER!" I yelled, dropping Optimus's hands and went to chase after that little slagger. Miko let out a shriek and ran away, phone in hands.

"MOVE IT!" She yelled, dashing up to the stairs. I was absolutely pissed with the girl that I have forgotten about the other guest in my house, my focus fully shifted to the pig-tail girl.

She's about to be served on the tables tonight!

"GET BACK HERE!" I said furiously, jumping over the couch. Using my hands, I swung over the furniture and flew up to the stairs, effectively catching up with the teen.

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