Got A Thing For Smart Mechs (Ratchet X Femme Reader)

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He's ...perfect.

I don't know what else to say, but the Autobot's team medic is a work of art. The first time I saw the mech was during my mission to assist my master in defeating the Autobot leader, Optimus. Apparently, Optimus decided to bring the handsome medic along.

My cooling fans kicked on the minute I saw him and in all honesty, I have nothing to say for myself. I have a severe thing for mechs with brains, and he was absolutely my type! According to my master's details, Ratchet was the team's medic and scientist and also one of Optimus's oldest friends. I had quite the hard time thinking straight during our battle because I really didn't want to hurt them, Ratchet specifically.

The two Autobot mechs defeated the undead Cybertronians after he, the handsome medic, opted for dissection on the Terrorcons. Truly an amazing attention to detail and a keen processor for problem solving! We had to retreat later on for whatever reason my master needed to deal with. And so with a heavy spark, I gave the mech a small wave and quickly went into our groundbridge.

Ever since that incident, I could not get that Primus forsaken mech off my mind. I would never fail to join in for scouting or any other recon activity, but he never appeared anymore. Perhaps fate does not want us to be together, because that hypothesis got strengthen even more when I denied to go for Energon scouting on ONE occasion.


Wow...I hate my luck.

Heck, I heard he went on an overdrive and totally wiped out the whole team of Vehicons ON HIS OWN! God, is there ANYTHING he's uncapable of? Anyways, he challenged my leader but got his aft handed back to him. I did feel bad for the mech, but later on I realised he was under the influence of Synthetic Energon, hence why he could take on the whole squadron so easily. But our leader is the former champion gladiator in the Pits of Kaon, so you gotta give the medic a little pat for his efforts.

Back in the present, my team of Vehicons assigned with me got wiped out by the Autobots and I might be next on the list. I skid to the side as blaster rained behind me.

"Scrap!" I cursed, tucking in and rolled to the side as the angry femme Autobot ran past me, chasing down a long an empty cave. Letting out a shaky breath, I sighed and leaned behind the large rock, peeking out and hoping that the two-wheeler named Arcee won't kill me, I still have yet to meet Ratchet for Primus's sake.

At least let me say hi to the handsome mech before you offline me please, thank you very much.

"When can I meet Ratchet...?" I muttered, pouting a little as I continue to watch from behind the boulders, not noticing a pair of pedsteps behind me.

"Wait- ARGH!" Ratchet yelped and draw out his sword at me, furrowing his optic ridge as he growled at me.

...Oh, he's so handsome.

"H-Hi..." I stuttered out; cooling fans kicking full blast as I blushed furiously at the mech before me. Well scrap, I didn't think fate would be this kind today! He lets out a very confused look as he heard my fans coming alive and spoke, his gruff voice melting my very spark.

"A-Are you...blushing?" he said, giving me a look of disbelief.

I shook my helm sideways and cleared my processors as I tried to focus; he's still my enemy and I have to take him out...right? But...

I don't want to kill him.

"Er...N-No...?" that came out as a question. Damn it (Y/N), focus!

Offering my servos up, I tried to lower the mech's guard down, hoping I won't be terminated by my own crush; that would kinda sucks.

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