Shall We Dance Part 3(Megatron X Femme Reader)

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A/N: Part 3 since @menameDanny requested nicely UWU! I hope you like it, this chapter is long cus duh, Megsy gets the perks! XD Enjoy this crackhead chapter XD


Standing in front of the clear mirror, I'm starting to regret my decision.

"Knockout...I do not wish to question your fashion aesthethic...but WHY THE HELL AM I SMALL AND PETITE!?" I groaned, ripping away the thin fabric described as a dress by the medic. Knockout gasped, taking away the torn clothing with tears threatening to spill.

"(Y/N)! I NEEDED THAT!!" He wailed, holding onto the ripped dress with sadness. Breakdown was by his side, patting the dramatic mech's back. We were all in this holoform created by the fashionista medic in hopes to infiltrate the Autobot's base, seeing that the Bots do have a soft spot for humans.

I don't mind the idea...until the idiot gave me a small 5'2 petite femme.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't care about shape and sizes. But judging by the fact that I've spent my entire life in the Pits, technically speaking I should have toned abs and muscles, not...small and fray. Don't ask me how I know about human anatomy, I saw a book regarding about human biology on the medic's table the other day and I read it.

Speaking of which, why did Knockout have those and where in the Pits he got them?

"Knockout! Fix this!" I yelled, threatening to kick his aft in human form. Megatron stepped out from the human sized dressing room and I had to do a double take.

He's bloody HANDSOME!

"Well, I must say, I am impressed with his skills..." Megatron muttered, turning around to admire his body. He was sporting a 7 feet male human with equally buffed body, littered with scars to match his real-life form. He was wearing a simple grey t- shirt with black cargo pants and the warlord was wearing a silver chain with our insignia on it. Megatron had his spiked hair slicked back and was looking absolutely ravishing.

"Damn it, Knockout! You're playing favourites! Why the frag did I get a small and fragile body while Megatron got what suits him!?" I hissed, pointing at our leader and stomping my tiny feet. Megatron came behind me and wrapped his large arms around my waist, lifting me slightly off the ground as he placed a small kiss on my neck.

Right, I need to mention that the warlord had already confessed his feelings recently and was a gentleman during our relationship although his usual attitude was anything but gentle. Eh, I like him both ways after all, so I didn't mind.

Megatron chuckled, taking a liking to my holoform. "Well (Y/N), I don't mind this form, not at all." He said, placing another kiss on my cheek. I blushed and spun around, pouting at the mech before me.

"I am not happy about this! I'm supposed to be ALMOST the same height as you and a hell more buffier than this!" I said, waving my hands in the air. Megatron's eyes widened before he choked out a word.


"MEGATRON!!" I groaned, burying my head in my hands with defeat. Knockout stood by his majesty's side, truly enjoying the scene.

"Well, we can alter-"

"YOU BETTER OR I'LL RUIN YOUR FINISH!" I growled, sending the narcissistic mech a dangerous glare. He gulped and typed something on his downsized datapad. Within seconds, my form changed and I was met with a 6 feet (h/c) femme with long hair and toned body.

Very athletic, very me.

"FINALLY!" I said, rolling my eyes. Going through the bin of clothes, I took a black sport bra and paired it with a camo pants. I went into the dressing room and changed quickly, not wanting to be in the sun dress any longer. Tying my long hair into a ponytail, I stepped out of the room with a renewed smile as I made my way to look at the mirror.

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