I Didn't Sign Up For This! (Team Prime X Human! Reader)

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A/N: Firstly, I would like to thank you guys for 1k reads ALKSNDADLKNEFLSNF THANKKK YOUUUU!!! >O< I'M SO GLAD Y'ALL LIKE THIS BOOK! 

Secondly, Wattpad came out some problems on me and I remembered seeing some comments but now they are gone! O.o idk maybe it'll come back later or something?

Next, I would like to mention that Ioa is very mad at me for not updating her book. If Enigma-chan is not to be heard for a few days, please send some flowers for my funeral. Thank you XD



"I hate this." Agent Fowler groaned, tipping a bottle of beer into his mouth before slamming it down onto the ground. I was snickering by his side, adding salt to the wound.

"You know, we shouldn't be here AND you shouldn't be drinking while on work." I said, smirking at my colleague. We were currently at an empty stairway and the man was drinking beer, when it is only 2 in the afternoon. He rolled his eyes and nudged my ribs before letting out another groan, pulling a long face.

"What crawled up your ass and died today?" I joked, slapping his shoulders and snatched the liquor away from him. Agent Fowler huffed, trying to take back the bottle but I held it far away.

"Our boss isn't gonna be happy with a drunk Bill, ya know?" I said, cocking an eyebrow at the man.

"Damn it! I needed that!" he whined, rubbing his eyes tiredly. I sighed dramatically before leaning close to my friend, wondering what got him so riled up.

"Spill it. You've been in this shitty mood for the past week. What pissed you off so bad to have you break the rules, mister?" I said, pulling his chin close as I narrowed my eyes on him. Agent Fowler scowled and slapped my hands away.

"None of you-"

"I dare you to finish the damn sentence. You called me up here to watch you drink. What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" I said, turning serious. Agent Fowler went quiet for a moment before shaking his head in denial.

"It's sensitive information, highly classified."

"Yet here you are, seeking for my company. I'm pretty sure I can keep a secret or two, genius."

"Commander Bryce will kill me."

"So, it's gotta do with work?" I raised an eyebrow at the middle-aged man. His job was dealing with some...weird stuff. I was a field agent, freestyled and handled many odd cases.

Odd, really odd types.

"Okay then, I'm following you then. After all, you did call for an assistant right? I'll talk to Mr. Bryce."

"Wait- (Y/N) NO!"

You jumped away from him and sprinted off to find your boss. Agent Fowler stood awkwardly on the staircase, groaning even louder within his palms as he realised, he had screwed up, badly.

"(Y/N), you son of a bitch! That's not what I meant by best friend support!"


After getting the clearance from Commander Bryce, you were beaming brightly as you hopped along Fowler's side, swinging from side to side. You were excited to be teaming up with your best friend after all. You were making your merry way up to the helipad with Agent Fowler, though the latter seemed more tensed than anything.

"Wow, we're taking the copter?" I asked, surprised.

"You can still cut this deal right now and I wouldn't even blame you."

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