See You Again (Cliffjumper X Human! Reader)

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A/N: REQUESTED BY @storyaboutHP 

It got sad halfway but I tried to end it in a lighter mood! Hope ya like it and enjoy~


"Hello child, can you help me walk over the streets please?" an old lady said to me. I look up to see a very old lady gazing down with a soft smile, hoping I would agree with her.

"Okay!" I grinned, taking her hands and started crossing the road. People looked at me weirdly as I smiled up to the old granny, but I didn't care. Mama said that we need to be kind, so this is me being kind.

We finished crossing the road and the granny gave me a soft pat before walking off. Had my tiny eyes been sharper, I would've noticed that the granny didn't have a shadow.

But 5 years old me didn't care, she needed help.

"(Y/N)! What have we talked about crossing the road on your own!? It's dangerous!" Mommy rushed towards me, worried etched on her face. I gave her a tilted look as I raised my question.

"Mommy, what do you mean? (Y/N) helped the old granny pass the road! (Y/N) was being nice!" I beamed at my mother, who looked at me weirdly.

"Old-g-granny? Where?" she asked, looking around for the person.

"She went off." I said, pointing down the road. Mommy tried to look for the old lady but could not find anybody and sighed.

"Okay...but you don't run off without telling me next time, alright?"

"Yes, mommy!"


I sighed at the fond memory as I walked down the quiet streets of Jasper, Nevada. I was currently talking to this young man and he was babbling about how he was so going to help me win the lottery but I just waved him off; I didn't like to gamble.

"Come on, (Y/N)! Go get the tickets!" Richard said, pestering me. I laughed and shook my head, declining the man's proposal.

"No Richard, I gotta save my money for other use." I laughed at the man who was now pouting at me.

"Aw...Oh snap, the sun's going down! Bye (Y/N), see ya tomorrow!" I gave the man a wave and bid him goodnight. In my peripheral vision, I saw looks of uncertainty and horror from other people and I gave no thoughts about it, even though I can clearly hear their whisper and remarks about me.

"Mommy, who's that lady talking to?"

"Hush and walk quickly! We must stay away from her!"

"Why is that girl talking to the air?"

"Oh, that's Psycho (Y/N). She's got her head knocked when she was a baby, or so I've heard."

...No, I did not, thank you very much.

Sighing, I went to my favourite place to quiet down and rest; the canyon. It was large, rocky and quite tough to climb up, but the view was absolutely worth it. Sighing, I raised my knees close to my face as I stared out to the horizon, relaxing and enjoying the scenery.

" like the view?"

"Who- OH SCRAP!" I said, startled by before me.

"H-Hey, sorry! You're fine, I'm cool!" he quickly raised a hand in surrender, also backing away. I calmed myself down and gave him a curious look, fascinated by his appearance.

"U-Uh...hi?" the man-mech said, give me a small awkward smile. I straightened up and returned the pleasantries, though I was still very much curious about this mech before me.

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