Under The Mask! (Soundwave X Femme! Reader)

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A/N: A Soundwave chapter because I love our silent boi so much alkdnslkdna- 

UWU Enjoy this fluffy chapter~~


Soundwave. Everyone knew him. He's the one and only silent mech that uses voice recordings to communicate, hiding his voice from the rest of the world. He took a vow of silence when the war started, though the reason for this were only clear to himself and Megatron.

Me, on the other hand, was a typical assistant for the corrupted senators during the Golden age of Cybertron. I never liked those uncultured swine, bragging around their wealth while spiting on the 'lowly commoners' as they would always say.

Golden Age, my aft.

If anything, it's utter slag with how our caste system goes! Anyhow, readers (A/N: DAMNIT!!!) already know what happened next; the war. Wonderful!

... Actually, not that great. Because we ended up with a dead planet!

Hmm...where was I? Oh right! Sounders! So, me and Soundy are two best mates of two different castes. He was a young mech having a passion with the digital spectrum while I pretty much kissed those fragging senators afts all the time.

Truthfully, I do have a knack on making Energon sweets but being a Decepticon, you OBVIOUSLY got to be more than just a soft femme with her love of sugary treats. Case in point, I had another hidden talent, cue the drumroll please!





I know! I know! It ain't the best but please, I'll explain it right now!

Pretty much, my lies and well, strategies are top notch; considering I graduated the best among the best. During my boring days of picking up after grimy and revolting leaders of Cybertron, I too helped with their everyday planning of shitty decisions.

Though, I DID try my best on correcting their flaws here and there. Too bad they are all dead now or they'll probably Shadowplay me like how they did with Shockwave. The mech was a decent guy...until those awful mechs turned him into an emotionless cyclops.

With that being said, I've altered some plans WITHOUT the counsel's knowledge and made some tiiiiinnny difference for the lower class. I had some spark for those poor fledglings in the lower caste, spending their days gazing up upon us when we, the higher chains are the sole reason for their condition.

To put it simply, I would sometimes add in some benefits for the low-class bots and when my bosses asked, I would lie through my dentas WITH EASE that we are doing this to keep hold of our reputation.

Which it kinda is, by the way.

They would take it as that and wouldn't bother checking the rest, letting me to handle whatever. Heck, I've tested the waters and those good-for-nothing glitches didn't even bat an optic when I took away a good amount of credit for the low-class to build a hospital!

They. Are. Dense!

...OR maaaybe they just didn't give two-hoots about those poor bots and had too damn much credit to waste on overpriced high-grades!

Okay, okay. We're getting a little side-tracked. With my great ability to lie, forgery and strategy, I've made a post as a high-ranking Decepticon, working alongside with Starscream, Knockout, Breakdown and Soundwave on a daily basis, not to mention Megatron himself.

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