A random talk with Enigma and the crew

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"Ah yes, another chapter of communicating with the reader. Greetings, fellow fans of mine! Fret not, I'll give y'all an autograph or two if you ask nicely~" Knockout smooched the camera, winking at it.

"Jesus Christ! Knockout, that's fucking disgusting!" Enigma hissed, taking a cloth and wiped the contaminated screen.

"Language!" the team chorused.

"I'm turning 18 this month, I'll curse as much as I please, thank you very much." Enigma muttered, glaring at the unfazed team.

"So...what's with today's chapter? Weren't you doing Soundwave's story just before this?" Wheeljack asked, poking the blue-haired femme. She swatted his large digits away from her scalp and crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at the Wrecker and the rest of the crew.

"Holoforms, now."

"Yes ma'am."

The team of Cybertronians obeyed the writer's command, turning on their holoforms immediately. Sighing, Enigma nodded in satisfaction and spoke up.

"That's better. I am writing this because I want the readers to be um- closer to you guys? Oh, on a side note, I'm still going to kick your asses, Decepticons. You RUINED MY WALL AND RAN OFF!" Enigma growled, grabbing the nearest tool.

In this case, it was a wrench.


With a glare, the medic gulped his words down, letting the mad femme continue her game of tag with the Decepticons. Arcee looked at the still-filming camera, rolling her eyes.

"Enigma...we're still on air. Are you going to leave the readers hanging or what?"

"OH SHIT!" The femme rushed back to the couch, panting.

"Ergh...you guys are going to be the death of me." Enigma groaned. Optimus came over with a pleasant smile on his face, pulling the writer close to him.

"Thank you for the previous chapter, I quite like it." he whispered. Enigma shot up straight, blushing red.

"Y-Your we-welcome!" she said, cheeks red with embarrassment. Megatron clicked his tongue in frustration and snatched the femme away from Optimus, glaring at the blue-eyed man.

"I'm still her favourite."

"I believe that is up to debate, Megatron."

"G-Guys..." Enigma sweatdropped at the sudden rise of testosterone, chuckling awkwardly. "Come on, cut it out please." She said, pushing the two leaders away. With a huff, the two Cybertronians grunted and turned away, scowls evident on their face.

"Seriously, do you two ever not fight?"

"No." they said, simultaneously. Facepalming, Enigma gave them a sigh and rolled her eyes, not wanting to bicker with them. Miko wiggled her eyebrows at the female writer as she casted a cheeky grin at the lady.

"How's it like to be stuck in between two gorgeous men, Anna?"

"For the last hundred time, it's ENIGMA!"

"Your name is not a secret anymore, just give it up!" Wheeljack hollered, backing the Japanese girl.

"Oh, for the love of Primus..." Anna/Enigma sighed, relenting. Ultra Magnus gave her a cup of water, feeling bad for her predicament.

"I'll help you to kick his aft later, if you want?" the Autobot Commander offered.

"Thanks Magnus, your help is deeply appreciated." Enigma hugged the buff man, sighing in delight. He awkwardly petted the girl's head, leaning in due to size difference. Looking up, Enigma gave him a goofy smirk, eyes glinting with ideas.

"Is there something wrong?" Ultra Magnus asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"You're nice, just really strict. Maybe I'll give you a chapter later-"

"FRAG NO! I WANT ONE AND I'M GETTING IT NOW!" Airachnid yelled, pouncing onto the femme. Ultra Magnus pulled the poor lady away, giving the femme Decepticon a mean stare.

"Hey, easy on her. She's just giving a thought, no need for such hostility." He said. Enigma sniffled, crying into the Autobot SIC's arms.

"T-THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING!!" she bawled, finally glad that there was ONE bot out there that understood her and not prodding her on writing their stories.

Enigma just reaaaally liked Optimus and Megatron...and Ultra Magnus....and Ratchet...and Soundwave...and-

"Oh, for Pete's sake you like 'em all! There, done!" Jack said, setting his hands on his hips.

"I mean, you're not wrong..." Enigma mumbled, still in Magnus's arms. Dreadwing trudged over, a bowl of fruits in hands.

"Here, eat up...then you may continue with the stories." He said.

"Right, thanks bud." Enigma sighed, picking up a slice of grape and popped it into her mouth.

"By the way, aren't you doing something for your readers? This book is about to reach 3k soon...AND MY FRAGGING BOOK AIN'T DONE YET WHATTHEFRAG-" Ioa was then held down by Bumblebee and Bulkhead, both sighing in exasperation at the femme medic's outburst.

"Your book is going to be done soon. Yes Shocky, you are coming in soon so stop sharpening those bloody scalpels, damn it!" Enigma seethed, looking at a certain one-eyed man who was sharpening his tools loudly. Grunting in approval, the scientist put his bloodied tools away.


"Anyways, I'll figure something out. In the meantime, can you guys like- not break my walls? It's a pain in the aft to fix." Enigma sighed again, close to ending the camera. The team waved at it, smirking mischievously as they all came up with the same answer.


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