Chapter 2

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Uncle Jim got out of the car and she nervously followed. As soon as they stepped out, the front door opened and a familiar petite woman walked out in a yellow sundress and blue flats. Her red hair were in a braid over her left shoulder.

Looking at her mother, Carlisia realized they didn't share a single genetic similarity aside of the same petite frame. Other than that she was a walking copy of her father with blondish hair, pale rosy skin and green eyes.

Following her mother was a very tall man with brown hair which were sleekly combed back. She guessed he was the husband her uncle was talking about. He had pale brown eyes and all together seemed nothing out of the box.

Her uncle looked at her with a smile. Carlisia looked the other way awkwardly, not knowing what to do as the woman approached them.

"You must be Maria?" Her uncle asked.

"Have I changed that much Jim?" her mother said and Jim smiled.

"You look good Maria, time hasn't left a single mark on you." Her uncle complimented honestly as he hugged her mom.

"I'm so sorry about Adrian." She said and her uncle nodded.

"May he rest in peace." He said, his voice wavered as he pulled away

Her mother finally averted her gaze on her and pulls her in for a hug.

"Oh, it has been so long Carly! You have changed so much." She said as she pulled away and cupped Carlisia's face in her hands.

Carlisia nodded awkwardly as she pulled away.

"It's been a while mom." She said.

Another gust of wind ripped through the air and nipped at the skin on her bare arms.

Carlisia hugged herself as she looked at the sky. She was wearing a sleeveless top, a choice she was regretting considering the weather here.

Carlisia's mother looked behind her and pulled her husband forward.

"Carlisia and Jim, I would like you to meet my husband, Ben." She said.

Her uncle reached and shook the man's hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Ben." Uncle Jim said and Carlisia nodded.

"Nice to meet you." Carlisia said out of courtesy and the man smiled.

"Pleasure." He replied and looked at Uncle Jim who was busy checking the time.

"Let's go inside. It's getting cold. You will love your new room baby girl, it's very vibrant!" Her mother said all excited and Carlisia nodded.

"I'm sorry I won't be staying any longer Maria, an errand has come up." Her uncle said and looked towards the car where the driver was taking out Carlisia's suitcases taking them inside.

Carlisia eyed her uncle with raised eyebrows and then leaned closer to his ear,

"You said you were going to stay an hour or so." She said in a hushed voice and her uncle scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry. Work came up." He said causing her to sigh.

"It's okay. I guess it's goodbye then." She said looking at him with sorrow in her eyes.

"No its not, I'll be visiting you from time to time." He said and hugged Carlisia goodbye.

Her uncle then looks at the couple which was observing the scene quietly.

"Maria. Ben. It was nice meeting you." He said and with that turned to leave but stopped abruptly.

"Oh and Carly, your car will be here by next week." He said and she nodded once again.

"Goodbye." He said giving her a kiss on the cheek and with that got into the car.

"Goodbye." Carlisia mumbled as she stared at the car fading into the distance then turned back to her mother and Ben.

They looked at her smiling and she shyly looked away not knowing what to do. After a few seconds her mother placed a hand on her back and ushered her forward into the house.

"Come on darling you'll get sick. I bet you don't get weather like this back at Sydney." She said just as they heard thunder over them causing Carlisia to nod.

"Not much." She replied.

"Ben, can you please show Carlisia her room while I make something to drink." Her mother said.

"Sure thing love." Ben replied and swiftly grabbed two of the suitcases while Carlisia grabbed her duffel bag which contained all her favorite books.

He made his way up a flight of stairs and she noticed that he didn't flinch or stop during his course as he lifted the two heavy suitcases with him.

Carlisia curiously wondered if the buff man was on steroids or something.

He made a left and entered a room with dark purple walls. The curtains were a lighter shade of purple whereas the queen bed in the middle of the room had a blue and purple geometric bed spread.

The room was fairly large with a big window on the far right corner and a big bookshelf beside the mahogany dresser. There was a small walk in closet on the other side of the dresser and a door that probably led to a bathroom on the other side of the room.

Ben placed the suitcases on the floor without any difficulty and stared at the room.

"I hope you like purple." He said and she smiled looking around, sliding the tip of her fingers over the dresser then turning back to Ben.

"It's very nice. Thank you for all of this, the room looks lovely." She said examining it.

To be honest, she would have preferred beige or orange but this would do, Ben continued to look at the room when a yawn escaped Carlisia's lips.

"Tired?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yeah. Major time difference you know. Back home at Sydney I am probably sleeping by now." She mumbled.

"I know how that feels. My boys experienced the same thing when we moved here ten years ago. It makes a person crazy. They are gone to soccer practice, will probably be back by dinner, you can meet them then." He said.

"Look forward to it." She said as she pulled the duffel bag over the bed.

"If you need anything don't hesitate to ask." He said.

"I think I'm going to take a nap but thank you." She replied as she felt her eyes get heavy.

She looked at the time on her night stand and sees its four in the evening while back home at Sydney it would probably read eight in the morning.

She stretched as she closed the door and made her way towards the window.

She felt eyes on her as he got closer and closer to the window.

She placed her hands on the bottom trim of the window and popped her head outside, letting the air blow her hair.

She looked around the street and slowly trailed her eyes to the forest trying to spot the source. No later she found herself staring into a pair of golden eyes.

Her heart dropped to her stomach when realization hit her,

Those golden eyes belonged to the same black wolf.

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