Chapter 9

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Carlisia quietly put on her jacket and pulled her hair from under it. She hadn't slept a wink- once again the same recurring dream played over every time she did.

She had finally decided to look up a therapist and quietly start visiting him soon if things didn't change.

The breakfast yesterday still lingered at the back of Carlisia's mind as she grabbed her back pack and hoisted it over her shoulder, walking out of her room and down the steps, watching her white tennis shoes carefully and surely secure their footing.

"Good morning Carly! Sleep okay?" Ben said just as Carlisia entered the kitchen to Ben sitting at the table and her mom in front of the stove.

"Yeah." She replied tiredly, hoping he wouldn't notice and luckily he didn't.

"Would you like some eggs sweetie?" Her mother asked and Carlisia nodded as some were poured in her plate straight from the frying pan.

"Thanks" Carlisia mumbled as she quietly began eating while her mom placed a glass of orange juice in front of her.

"Well, are you nervous about your first day of school?" Her mother chirped, settling with a plate of her own, she was already dressed in her scrubs.

"A bit, I guess."

"Well, you will be wonderful!" Ben added and Carlisia gave a small smile.

"I hope so." She said and her mom placed a secure hand over Carlisia's

"You will be. Don't worry." She said and Carlisia nodded.

"I will be taking you to school today and the boys will bring you with them afterwards. Is that okay with you Carly?" Ben asked as he got up, looking at the time and Carlisia nodded, grabbing her bag on cue.


The ride to the school was quite, Carlisia mostly looked outside as Ben drove in his steel cut suit.

"I hope you find everything okay here Carly. We are very happy to have you." Ben said through the silence and Carlisia looked at him smiling.

"Thank you for being so generous and welcoming. I mean, I did end up intruding." She said and Ben shook his head,

"Not at all! You have always been family, even if you chose not to visit as often. There isn't any intruding on your end." He said and Carlisia smiled.

"Thank you for everything, Ben." Carlisia said and Ben smiled.

"I'll always be there kiddo! Just remember, you can come to me anytime with anything. Just like you did with your dad." He said finally stopping outside the building.

Carlisia looked at Ben for a moment and engulfed him in a hug at his words.

"Thank you." She said as Ben pat her back, laughing.

"Come on. You'll be late for school." He said, still smiling and Carlisia laughed too grabbing her bag.

"Thank you for taking me to school." She said as she opened the door and got out.

"Remember to have fun." Ben said as he began to drive off.

Carlisia finally turned to the huge brick red building, with the words 'Ashton High' written in big bold gold letters.

I guess this is it

It got eerily quiet as Carlisia approached the building and it was not because of lack of people. It was the opposite in fact.

The closer she got, the more people she saw but all of them looked at her defensively. People who were huddled talking and laughing would instantly quieten down as she passed by. She saw a group pointing at her, whispering even.

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