Chapter 35

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Zane smiled at her, cupping her face and wiping the tears on her cheeks with his thumb. His touch was gentle, ever so lightly grazing from her under eyes to her cheek bones in one sweep.

Carlisia looked at Zane as if he was an apparition. His green eyes were clouded with worry, covered by his shaggy brown hair.

"Hi" Carlisia laughed, more tears flowing down her cheeks as she reached and trailed the tip of her fingers over his cheek, expecting him to disappear but he didn't, he was real.

"Stop crying, Carly bear. You'll make me cry." Zane gave her a toothy smile.

"I wouldn't want that." Carlisia smiled, looking away from him and out the window, wiping her tears with the back of her hands.

"I missed you." Zane said pulling her back in for another hug, Carlisia didn't stop him as she placed her head on his shoulder.

"I missed you too." She whispered, sniffling.

"I know" Zane mumbled as he gently caressed her back. It took a while but Carlisia pulled away from him, letting Zane help her back down so she lay on her back.

"God." Zane said as his eyes squared on her shoulders and Carlisia looked away.

"That animal did a number on you, huh." He reached and pushed the hospital gown a bit to the side to see the bandaging.

Her heart beat loudly in her chest as she stared at Zane, for a moment the words were on the tip of her tongue,

It wasn't an animal

But she bit her cheek and let the words fade away into a rather resigned look on her face.

"I don't want to talk about me, right now. Tell me about you, how are you? How is everyone back home?"

"Everything is good! You will not believe Avery Jhonson started dating..."

Zane indulged her for hours, making her laugh, telling her every small detail of things, oblivious of the eyes, peering in the window taking in the scene.

Gabriel's left eye twitched as he watched Zane help a spoonful of yoghurt into Carlisia's mouth. Gabriel's eyes narrowed at Carlisia's hand cupping his, so the yoghurt wouldn't fall on her clothes, she was smiling too.

A genuine smile he had never seen grace her face for him.

The only looks she ever gave him were that of genuine horror, fear.

And here, his mate was willingly eating food out of some other guy's hand. Gabriel clenched his jaw, feeling anger and jealousy bubbling up inside him. His wolf was concealed behind a thicket of trees, peering into Carlisia's room but how he wanted to grab her and take her back home.

He knew he made a mistake with marking her, hell, she was in a hospital because of him but he would not let go of her easily.

She had seen his anger.

He would show her his tenderness.

They were mates, letting her go was no option. One way or another, he would make sure she would end by his side and he would eliminate anyone if he had to.

Meanwhile, in the hospital room, Zane sensed the shift in Carlisia's mood, she was staring out the window towards the forest, her face etched in worry.

He put the spoon down, concernetching his face. "Hey, is everything okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

"Yeah. I just feel tired." Carlisia dismissed, looking back at him with a forced smile.

She knew the wolf she had seen in the woods was Gabriel, the fear that moved through her body in waves was the only indication she needed.

"Come on, don't do that with me. Tell me what's wrong?" Zane cupped her face.

Carlisia looked into his eyes, tears welling in her own. She wanted to scream and shout what had actually happened, how she was abused, assaulted, mauled.

But then, looking at the love in his eyes for her, Carlisia knew there was no way to repay all the care he was giving her aside from assuring his safety.

People said if you loved something, you had to let it go.

The only way she could ever repay Zane for pulling her through when she was at her lowest was to not put him in danger.

"I think I saw a wolf and I hate how the sight of it horrifies me." Carlisia whispered, not exactly lying but not disclosing the whole truth.

Zane's gaze softened as his other hand reached to stroke her hair,

"Oh, Carly. Everything will be okay."

The gentle words from his mouth along with the soothing hand massaging her head was all the assurity Carlisia needed in that moment as she nodded.

Zane looked over at her as her eyes began to droop close, slowly adjusting her so she was laying down.

He tucked her in with a gentle touch, making sure she was comfortable. As Carlisia's breathing deepened and she drifted off to sleep. He stayed by her side, watching her drift off to sleep, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on her arm.

Outside the window, Gabriel's anger simmered as he witnessed the scene unfold. Seeing Zane care for Carlisia only fueled his determination to win her back. Gabriel continued to observe from a distance, his eyes fixed on the window. Anger and possessiveness gnawed at him, driving his desire to claim Carlisia as his own. But deep down, a part of him recognized the pain he had caused her and the need to make amends.

Gabriel's wolf growled within him, urging him to take action, to confront Zane and reclaim his mate. But the rational side of Gabriel knew that forcing Carlisia would only push her further away.

He needed to find another way, a way to prove to her that he had changed, that he could be the mate she deserved. Gabriel made a silent vow to himself, his wolf, and the moon above that he would do whatever it took to win Carlisia's trust and love.

Inside the room, Zane opened his eyes and glanced at the sleeping figure of Carlisia. Her breathing was ragged, her mouth slightly opened. He saw her chest heaving up and down. It was a nightmare, he could tell. Her hand fisted in the sheet and Zane protectively placed his own over it.

"No." Carlisia whispered.

"It's okay." Zane said, gently stroking her hair.

Carlisia breathing got even more ragged.

"No, Gabriel."

Zane tensed as soon as those words left Carlisia's mouth.


Zane's eyes trailed to Carlisia's face, she was pale, her breathing still ragged. He should have woken her up, but he had to know.

Carlisia mumbled a few more things, completely undecipherable when all of a sudden she screamed,

"Please! No! Gabriel! Stop!"

Zane was too stunned by the reaction.

He didn't hear the nurses until Maria was by his side, helping him out the room.

"Who is Gabriel?"

Maria tensed as soon as those words left Zane's mouth but before she could say anything someone else beat her to it,

"I am."

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