Chapter 29

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The cold breeze felt like a kiss on her face as Carlisia stared out of the window, drying her hair with a towel. She closed her eyes for a moment, hearing the leaves rustle in the wind, the first sounds of the morning birds as they rushed to their nests instead of out of them.

Carlisia could tell that the sky would break all hell loose today, the dark clouds being a strong indication.

While she had gone to bed late, all sense of calm had escaped her the minute her head hit the pillow. It took her another hour to force herself to sleep and even then, she had woken up earlier than expected, her eyes fresh at 6:30 in the morning as the first sounds of an impending thunderstorm grazed her ears, the throbbing in her arms secondary.

Carlisia had tried to lull herself back to sleep but her efforts were futile, she was wide awake. By the time the clock struck 7:00 am, Carlisia had taken a steamy shower and dressed herself in a cosy sweater and black pants.

Sitting on the window sill, Carlisia couldn't help but be at awe of the view of the garden her window provided. The clearing was huge, with neatly trimmed glass. Flowers and Shrubs neatly bordered the sides of the garden with the front extended to a luxuriously thick forest. No fences surrounded the forest, as if Gabriel knew no one would dare step foot in his territory, proving to be the Alpha everyone feared, everyone could rely on to lead them.

Carlisia shook her head of these thoughts as she placed the towel and down and finger combed her hair. A week or two back Carlisia would have sat and not dare step out of the room but today felt like a new day and Carlisia had come to realise her cooperation, especially when it came to Gabriel, was of benefit to her. She could either make him trust her or he would smother her in the process of forcing her and that just would not do.

It took a lot of energy and even more willpower to place her hand on the door knob and take the first step out of her room and into the dimly lit hallway, however the next few steps eased her. The house was quiet, even welcoming, as Carlisia walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen, for once actually taking in her surroundings.

Gabriel was a minimalist with the house stripped of even a speck of dust or any expressions from within Gabriel's life. She remembered her house in Sydney for a moment, each wall adorning frames and frames of pictures or art or shelves of trophies from her school and medals her dad had gotten. Carlisia moved on, ignoring the lump in her throat towards the empty kitchen.

She didn't know what to assume, she had half expected and half dreaded seeing Gabriel in the kitchen since the open living space to her left was also empty.

Either he was out this early, or he was sleeping. Carlisia didn't want to sour her luck by thinking of him and walked towards the coffee machine, adding a pod and making her coffee before searching the cupboards for some cereal which to her dismay she didn't find any.

Perhaps Gabriel was a health freak of something, she wouldn't be surprised to be honest.

Gabriels fridge was stocked to the brim for a single person but Carlisia didn't think much of it as she grabbed some butter and toasted some sour dough bread.

Carlisia grabbed her plate of food and coffee, walking towards the door. She paused for a bit, listening for any sounds - she would be damned if she opened the door and found Gabriel standing there.


Carlisia sighed in relief and pushed the door open, moving through the dimly lit living room with ease. There was a loud boom of thunder as Carlisia walked towards the floor to ceiling window and slid it open just as the first drops of rain began to hit the ground.

Carlisia sat cross legged on the patio, the plate on her lap, her coffee beside her. For a moment there was peace, the only sounds being the crunch of the toast as she took a bite and the gentle rain.

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