Chapter 14

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Carlisia's eyes opened when she felt the mattress dip by her leg.

"Good morning baby." Carlisia's mother whispered as she smiled.

Carlisia groggily looked at the alarm clock on her night stand.

"Is everything okay mom? It's very early." Carlisia said pulling herself up, worried.

"Everything is fine. Did you sleep okay today?" Maria asked and Carlisia smiled nodding.

"The pills really helped." Carlisia said and Maria patted Carlisia's leg assuring.

"I'm glad. Do you feel sick or anything?" She questioned and Carlisia shook her head.

"I'm 100% okay, mom."

Maria smiled as she got up from the bed and finally Carlisia saw the burnt orange cloth hanging from her mother's arm as she laced it on the bed in front of her.

"I got this dress for you. I know yesterday wasn't a good day and I wanted you to feel your very best today at school."

Carlisia frowned.

"Mom, I don't really feel like going to school today."

"I know baby but I really think it will do you good. Besides, I have found a very good therapist and she has been adamant on encouraging you to go to school." Her mom said.

Looking at her mother's pleading eyes Carlisia didn't have the gut to argue. Besides, she really didn't want to know what else this therapist had said.

"Who is this therapist?" Carlisia questioned, changing the topic as she examined the dress.

"Her name is Beck. She has a clinic in town. I am still discussing appointments with her. They'll probably be once a week. Is that okay?" Her mom asked and Carlisia nodded.

"Yeah that's, great mom."

Maria smiled and kissed the top of her daughters head before going out.

"I still don't understand why you got me this dress and all mum." Carlisia said as she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"I just want this to be a new day and really want you to feel your best today." Her mom said and Carlisia smiled.

Examining the full sleeved dress, Carlisia did feel nice wearing it. She had paired it with a woven cardigan and matching flats.

"I do feel nice." Carlisia said and her mother smiled.

"I'm glad." She said just as Reuben and Elijah walked downstairs.

"Ready to go?" Elijah asked and Carlisia nodded, kissing her mom goodbye.

They were going to get breakfast at the diner today.

"Let's go." She said as she followed the boys out. She felt happier with them.

"How's the practice going?" Carlisia said as she settled in the back seat of Reuben's car.

"It's going good. Everyone is super excited about the game on Friday. The team we are competing against is one of our biggest rivals so everyone is super riled up." Elijah said clearly excited.

"I hope you guys win." Carlisia said and Reuben nodded.

"Me too. I don't think I'll be able to live with myself if we lost." Reuben said.

The drive to the café was short and the breakfast arrived comparatively quickly.

"So, did you make any friends yet Carlisia?" Reuben asked.

"I didn't get a chance to talk to anyone aside of David yesterday and after what happened with him, I practically just skipped after the first class. Maybe today might be better." She shrugged.

"Why don't you join us for lunch today? It's Tuesday so we'll have lunch together and we can introduce you to some people." Reuben offered and Carlisia looked up.

"You'll really do that?"

"Sure." Reuben chuckled and Carlisia smiled, relieved.

"That would be amazing."

Today might not be so bad after, all.

Gabriel lurked in the shadows as he watched Carlisia sit with Reuben, Elijah and a group of people during lunch break. She looked ravishing in the orange dress he had picked out and requested Maria to make Carlisia wear it in exchange for giving Carlisia some space.

He was going to do that even if Maria would have chosen to decline but Maria didn't need to know that.

Carlisia's laugh rang through his ears as she talked to a black haired girl, Sidra.

The meeting with the pack was finally paying off. People were finally talking to her.

Obviously they all knew their limits.

"I can't believe we were practically living in the same neighborhood in Sydney and I don't remember you!" Carlisia said excited, she felt at ease.

"Same! We even went to schools near each other." Sidra said equally excited as both of them chatted along.

Sidra also happened to share quite a few classes with Carlisia, they were going to get along well.

Gabriel didn't mind. Sidra was a decent girl, did well in school, wasn't the party animal and would be great company for Carlisia. She wouldn't spoil his mate or put her out there for others to gawk at.

The bell rang and Carlisia and Sidra both grabbed their stuff, still chatting away.

Carlisia was happy. Really happy today. Her mother had been right.

Today was a good day.

"Mr. Peters is a sucker for giving us so much homework. I mean, it's the second day for God's sake!" Sidra grumbles.

"Oh come on! It's just history. I, for one, am looking forward to it!" Rue said happily.

Rue was Sidra's friend and they both shared only history together.

She was a petite girl with long brunette hair and hazel eyes.

Sidra sighs,

"I can't concentrate on anything with this game coming along." Sidra said and Rue chuckled looking over at Carlisia.

"Maybe we should go to my place and get an early start on the on the history paper due Friday. I doubt we'll be able to concentrate as the days to the game get near. How does that sound Carlisia?" Rue asked and Carlisia's eyes glinted.

"That would be amazing." Carlisia said thoughtfully.

"Let me text my mom." Sidra said and Carlisia uttered a 'me too'.

She took out her phone and texted Reuben and Elijah that she won't be needing a ride home and then her mom, that she was going over to a friend's house.

"Let's go then people!" Sidra hollered as she placed one arm around Carlisia's shoulder and one around Rue pulling them towards a red Honda, assumingly Sidra's car.

Carlisia hadn't felt this happy in a while.

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