Chapter 25

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Carlisia had resigned to her room when she finally recovered from the shock of everything. Carlisia paced the room, hyperventilating.

Hours later, her nerves calmed down and she finally sat on the bed, her back resting against the headboard, chin up. Another deep breath and she felt somewhat at peace.

She didn't know how to deal with this, so she went for the only way she knew how.

She grabbed her cell phone and quickly pressed the call button. On the second ring, the person on the other end picked up.

"After all these years of me trying to rub my bad influence on you, you finally become a night owl," Zane said, and Carlisia forced out a laugh.

She flinched at how fake it sounded.

While she wanted to talk to Zane, she didn't want to tell him exactly anything that happened just hours ago.

"Seriously though, what are you doing up this late?" Zane asked.

"I just haven't really adjusted to the time difference yet. I decided to catch you at a more civilized time" Carlisia shrugged.

The lie came out seamlessly and luckily for her, Zane didn't catch it.

"Well, you caught me. What you been up to?"

"Nothing much, I have been studying for the SATs, pretty boring stuff here. You tell me, how is Heather?" Carlisia asked as she walked towards the sofa to stare out of the window.

"We broke up." Zane deadpanned, no hurt in his voice.


That was news to Carlisia considering they were smitten with each other.

"Better close your mouth before you catch a fly." Zane mocked and even though he couldn't see her, it was a shock how well he knew her.

Carlisia closed her mouth.

"I don't know if I should be horrified or happy that you know me so well but still, what happened!?"

This is exactly what Carlisia needed, a distraction. And when you want to be distracted, there is nothing better than drama.

"Things didn't feel the same anymore, not for a while anyway. We both decided it was time to move on."

Of all the things, Carlisia didn't expect Zane to be so mature about this. The last time a girl broke his heart, he broke her car windows.

Carlisia realized she had been quiet and Zane was expecting a reply,

"That's very mature of you." Carlisia blurt out.

"I guess you realize what you really want when it's not near you anymore," Zane replied, his voice solemn even.

Carlisia laughed, thinking he wasn't serious

"Since when did you become so poetic?"

"Since I started missing my best friend." He replied and Carlisia laughed a little more.

"When are you going to visit Sydney?" Zane asked and Carlisia shrugged.

For a moment yesterday morning played into her head, her suitcase packed ready to leave this place forever.

Right now, she wished she had.


There was nothing more she could say without him picking her lie. Zane had been smart and cunning when he needed to be, but he was the sweetest guy and the only friend she had ever known.

They talked for hours and hours about anything on end until Carlisia could see the first rays of sunshine.

There were multiple times she desperately wanted to tell Zane what was happening here, she felt like she was cheating on him but there was nothing to be said or done.

The image of Gabriel throwing the table across the room came to her mind and her stomach dropped to the same feeling as last night.

"Can't say I don't like the rebellion but you really need to sleep Carly, I know the sun is starting to rise over there." Zane finally said.

The same feeling of anguish and despair filled her at the thought of ending the call,

"Yeah, you are right. I'm sure its pretty late over at Sydney too." She replied

She could almost feel Zane smiling,

"I'm not too bothered"

"But, you still need to catch some rest." He added quickly.

"I'll talk to you soon."

"Bye" Carlisia replied and with that, the call ended.

Carlisia looked around the room once more, oblivious that Gabriel had heard every single fragment of her conversation.

They shared a wall anyway, and Gabriel had heightened hearing.

It made him beyond angry that Carlisia went to Zane for comfort and now, since he no longer had a girlfriend, Zane was also a threat.

The morals of humans were always corrupt, he would try to make Carlisia love him and if he can't get what he wants from love, then he would get it from fear.

Super short update - I know, but which team are you going to be on, Zane or Alpha Gabriel? Let me know in the comments! Also, if you like the chapter give it a like and maybe follow me for similar content <3

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