Chapter 50

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The moon hung like a pale sentinel in the dark night sky as Gabriel stood at the eerie clearing, staring at the gruesome scene before him. The decapitated head of the rogue, the one they had all been hunting, lay grotesquely on the ground. It was a chilling sight, and Gabriel's cold, calculating eyes bore into it as if willing the life to return, just so he could extract the information he sought, to make the rogue pay for what had transpired here.
Carlisia had been right about the rogue's appearance; he had to applaud her for the detailed description since it was spot on, the girl looked exactly like she had described - just dead.

But her accurate description did nothing to change the grim reality. His gaze then shifted to the patch of blood a few feet away, and his chest tightened with a mixture of anger and despair. It was her blood, his mate's blood. Gabriel had studied it meticulously, sniffed it, and tasted it, trying to glean any hint or clue about what had happened. The amount of blood was not enough to be fatal, but it was enough to signify that she had been injured, perhaps taken by force.

Whoever took her, was playing a sick game with him, leaving these macabre clues behind, knowing that he would find them, daring him to come after them. He would return them the favour of this pain and anguish in spades. That was a promise Gabriel would deliver on.

The Little Folk - mythical creatures that inhabited shadows of all lands, had been an exceptional help and given details of how everything had transpired. Alot did make sense. Carlisia had gotten in the car, probably arranged by the dead rogue in hopes of escaping only to be captured. Unfortunately, this is all the information they gave. They had not seen the man well enough and had no clue where she could have been taken.

She could be anywhere.

There were too many unknowns, too many enemies in the supernatural world, and alliances were fragile, easily broken. Gabriel, a seasoned Alpha, knew the dangers that lurked in the shadows, but this situation was his worst nightmare come true. Carlisia was in the hands of someone who wanted to break her, to bend her to their will.

Reuben approached, his voice heavy with exhaustion. He, too, had been searching for her, blaming himself for not being there when she needed him most. The guilt weighed on him, the sense of betrayal for not being able to protect her.

"There is nothing out of order, Gabriel," Reuben stated as he joined his Alpha in staring at the bloodstained ground.

Gabriel's response was measured and resolute, the Alpha in him resurfacing. "I see."

Reuben remained silent, his eyes lingering on the blood for a moment longer before he turned away. He felt the weight of his failure, the knowledge that Carlisia had felt so alone that she hadn't trusted anyone enough to confide in them.

"We need to go back to the pack house, Thomas will stay here and steadily increase the parameter." Gabriel declared, his voice firm. "We must form a strategy. We will find her, and when we do, there will be a war to fight. We need to be prepared."

Reuben nodded, going to relay the command to Thomas as Gabriel turned to leave.


The pack house had been a buzz ever since Carlisia had been taken. Once a werewolf turned twenty, each of them was sorted to either be a defender, an attacker or a searcher based on how well they possessed each skill. They were expected to pursue professional careers, yet, when the time came everyone was expected to serve the pack as well and being one of the largest packs in America, they were no strangers to uncomfortable situations.

Their territory had 3 outposts, each having a combination of attackers, defenders and searchers based on the needs of the location. The pack house was the headquarters stationed towards their northern border that touched the Lochans territory. Most of the searchers had been pulled from various locations and called to the pack house to aid in the search for Carlisia. There were meetings every 12 hours for progress and a new report was always on Gabriels desk within the hour of those meetings.

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