Chapter 60

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"Marriage?" Carlisia's voice trembled, echoing her shock and disbelief. When Carson had mentioned a bargain, her mind had raced through various possibilities, but the concept of marriage had never crossed her thoughts.

"I don't understand," she whispered, her arms wrapped around herself as if seeking solace in her own embrace.

Carson exhaled deeply, as if trying to summon the right words to explain his bizarre proposition. "I cannot let you go, Carlisia," he began, his voice low but resolute. "My throne demands justice. If it were up to my council, I would have inflicted upon you the same torture that the Kanes did to my beloved sister." He paused, his eyes locked onto hers, intent and fierce.

Carlisia regarded him with a mix of apprehension and curiosity as he walked towards her, his presence dominating the room. She remained seated, her eyes never leaving him, even as he sat at the edge of the bed with the poise of a future king.

"The moment you step out of this castle, I have no doubt that Gabriel will track you down, whether it's what you want or not," he continued. His gaze never wavered from her, and she couldn't deny the intensity of his conviction. "But if you become my wife, you will be lawfully protected from his reach under any circumstance. You'll be free to visit your family, even travel back to Australia with a few members of my court for company. If you wish to continue your education, I'll make it possible and ensure your security, so you can live the life you desire."

Carlisia's brows furrowed as she mulled over his words. The notion of marriage to a vampire prince was beyond surreal. "But," she began, her voice wavering, "you're to be a king. If your people despise me so much, why would they accept you marrying me? What would they think of our union?"

At that a smile formed on Carson's lips.

"What greater torture could there be to a werewolf knowing his mate is with another?"

Carlisia stared at Carson for a moment before looking away.

She had dreams of going to college, experiencing things like a normal person her age did, struggling with internships, celebrating her first job with a cheap bottle of wine with Zane and somewhere along the way falling in love with someone and then marrying them.

Not this.

"You do not have to answer me right now, little lamb. You have until sundown to think this through. But remember, I am a fair man and a just ruler. There really is no better fate for a human in your situation."

Carlisia nodded silently, still unable to meet Carson's gaze. The offer on the table was both a lifeline and a noose, each word spoken like an intricate thread in a fate she never chose.

As Carson rose from the bed, his silhouette cast long shadows in the room. The air crackled with an unspoken tension, and the weight of the decision ahead settled heavily on her chest.

Before leaving, Carson spoke once more, his tone softer, almost human. "Think about it, Carlisia. There's more to this world than you know, and sometimes, the choices we least expect become the only ones we have."

And with that, he left the room, the door closing with a muted thud, leaving Carilsia alone in the dimming light.


The moon hung high in the ink-black sky, casting a silver glow over the dense forest surrounding the imposing castle. Gabriel, his expression carved in determination, gathered his team in a clandestine clearing bathed in the lunar glow.

The air crackled with a sense of urgency as Reuben approached. "Mara says the defences are momentarily down but she cannot anticipate exactly where we would enter the castle. It's now or never."

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