Chapter 27

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People often said that it is only after the storm, do you see the first rays of sunshine. Just like that, it is only after the toughest of times do you get calm. While Carlisia could agree her time had been tough, she could never dismiss the struggles of other people and can call it the worst thing in the world.

However, as she woke up this morning, she felt a ray of sunshine slip through the dense grey clouds.

Her beloved uncle was coming to visit today.

The thought brought warmth in her body. Nostalgia filled her with the happiness she had felt in Sydney with him and her dad. Her uncle, Jim, had always been close and the only family she had known growing up. He was the one who looked after her when her dad was away on military service. He was the one who would take her to school and brought her back home. He was the one who was there to cheer her on in any event when her dad wasn't there.

He was the one who never made her feel alone and she hadn't. He had taken care of her like his own daughter, always taking out time for her in his very busy schedule. Even on days when he would be sleep deprived, he would have nothing but a smile on his face for her.

Uncle Jim was her ray of sunshine even on the worst of her days and despite the utter shit the past few days had been for her, Carlisia woke up feeling relaxed and well rested. The only thing she was dreading was having a conversation with Gabriel, she had asked her mom for his number as soon as she had found her uncle would be arriving the day after however, she had put it off.

She didn't want to call him last night and the only reason she had to call him today was because she didn't want him to arrive in front of her uncle and drag her away when she refused to leave with him and even if she did go voluntarily, her uncle would have questions, questions she did not have the answers to right now.

Carlisia had taken the day off from school and sat on her bed staring at her cell phone nervously. She pressed the call button and gulped as she heard the ringing.

She felt nervous and for a moment was going to cut the call when the finally Gabriel picked up.


The sound of Gabriel's voice made her back stiff.

"Hello?" He said again, louder this time, bringing Carlisia out of her thought.

"H-hi. It's Carlisia." Carlisia blurts out.

"Good morning, butterfly. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Gabriel's voice was velvety smooth.

"Can we talk?" Carlisia said and it was as though Gabriel could hear her nervousness as she heard a chuckle.

"That's exactly what we are doing right now, butterfly."

Carlisia took in a shaky breath and just nodded,

"O-okay. My uncle is coming to visit today and he would ask questions if you were to come and pick me up. I also want to spend some time with him since he would leave tomorrow morning. Is it okay if you don't come to pick me today? I'll come early tomorrow morning."

There was silence on the other end.

"This is not okay with me. I'm sending a car to pick you and bring you to my office. We will talk about this in person." Gabriel said and before Carlisia could say anything he ended the call.

Carlisia's heart dropped to her stomach as she stared at her cell phone screen.

This was the last thing she wanted as she gripped her head in her hands. She took in a deep breath and calmed herself.

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