Chapter 49

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There was a murky smell in the air, the cold wind nipped her very exposed skin. Her body shivered as another gust of wind blew over her body as she heard the drips of water somewhere. She wasn't in the clothes from before. She could feel the loose silk over her body, the thin straps were the only thing keeping the dress in place, her nipples were hard from the combination of fear and the cold as they grazed the cloth giving away her lack of garments. Her feet were bare too, albeit restrained along with her hands on the back of what she assumed to be a chair she was sitting on.

She couldn't tell much with the blindfold over her eyes.

The image of those last few seconds played over and over in her head. How Rose's head had rolled in front of her feet, the rest of her body in the boot. How that man, with razor sharp teeth and skin as white as the moon had raised that rock and rendered her unconscious.

Carlisia took in a shuddering breath as more tears flowed down her cheeks. She had woken up a while ago but had been extra quiet. If no one had found her yet, that meant screaming for help most definitely wasn't going to get her out of this. A headache steadily bloomed as Carlisia took another deep breath and scrunch her nose in disgust.

The musty smell seemed to fill her insides. She could imagine roaches crawling the walls of whatever this place was. She tried to shift in the chair a bit, her back was so stiff. A hiss escaped her as her wrists once again grinded against the rope. She could feel a prickle of liquid slide down her wrist, most probably blood.

"I am afraid if you continue to hurt yourself, I might not be able to restrain myself any longer, little lamb."

The voice was calm and confident. As if the owner had never second guessed himself in his life.

Carlisia had assumed she was alone, her breathing became rushed as she tried to identify where the noise came from, yet it seemed to echo from everywhere.

A rich laughter filled the air as deliberate footsteps walked towards her and finally her blindfold was rather gently pulled off. Carlisia blinked trying to settle her focus on the dimly lit room.

The entire room was made of dark stone that looked ancient. The murky smell was justified by the rivulets of water streaming over the walls. The floor was also stone and hoisted as if on a pedestal, an inch or so away from the walls to let the water flow without making the ground wet. Once aware of her surroundings Carlisia focused her eyes to the man now crouching in front of her.

He wasn't the driver from last night yet the paper white skin was the same. His hair was a dark burgundy in messy waves that were a bit too long. His eyes were a striking grey with his under eyes abnormally red. There was an agelessness to his face yet his eyes looked so wise, giving away he was much older than he looked. His mouth was shaped in a smirk and as Carlisia looked closely, sharp white teeth poked from the top of his gums.

No, not teeth, fangs.

Carlisia stared at them for a moment. A fresh jolt of fear passed through her making goosebumps once again rise on her skin.

The man was not unaware of the reaction her body had as he stared at the small bumps over her very exposed skin and gave a soft chuckle as Carlisia's legs began to shake.

The man just placed his hand firmly on her bare knee to stop the shaking but the tremors remained. Carlisia started it, the veins in his hand were defined, his nails long, sharp and very thick. If he pressed on her skin, she was sure it would break. Carlisia trailed her eyes back up to meet his gaze.

"Everyone has heard a lot about you, little lamb. The weak human mate to one of the most powerful Alpha's of werewolf kind."

Carlisia kept her eyes on the man as he stared at her, however she did hear a hint of venomous disdain at the word Alpha.

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