Chapter 46

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Carlisia took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. She had to remain calm and composed, just as the instructions had specified. She walked over to her bed and smoothed out the wrinkles on her pillows, arranging them to create the illusion that someone was sleeping there. As she did this, her mind raced with thoughts of what might be waiting for her outside. She knew she couldn't waste any time. Two hours would pass quickly, and she had to be ready for the shift change.

Carlisia made sure the curtain on the window was secure before she rushed to her closet for a change of clothes. She intentionally chose a dark outfit to blend in the environment once the sun would be down in two hours. To make sure her scent was masked, she rushed to Reuben's room and spritzed herself with his cologne from head to toe until the overwhelming scent began to bloom a throbbing headache.

She skimmed his wardrobe and grabbed one of his sweaters for good measure and quickly slipped it on.

The next order of business was to make a form on the bed with the pillows which was a simple feat and as directed she packed a small backpack with a single outfit change, some money and her id card.

An hour had already passed by the time she sat on the floor, her back by the foot of the bed. Her senses heightened as she waited for the designated hour to arrive. The minutes crawled by, and every sound outside the window seemed amplified, making her heart race. She couldn't afford to let fear overtake her; she had to remain vigilant and composed.Her thoughts roamed everywhere. The weight of what she was about to do bore down on her, and she couldn't help but replay in her mind all the moments that had led her to this desperate decision. How Gabriel had abused her to the point of seeking help from complete strangers.

She knew her mom wasn't going to be home anytime soon, she had even little to think Reuben or Elijah would be either. She hadn't seen them for days and it made her wonder if they were intentionally avoiding her. She knew she had seen little of Reuben once he got removed from the position of beta and even more so when he was reinstated after.

Once they found out she was gone, would Gabrieto grow within the pack be diminished? She had seen how he looked up to Reuben.

Carlisia's mind then drifted to her mother. She imagined how her mom would come home late and tired yet she would see the lights turned off and gently open the door to see a huddled form underneath the covers. She would smile from the doorway and gently close the door. That would be the easy bit.
Carlisia's heart clenched thinking of how on some days she walked to her side and stroked her hair, often she would readjust her blanket and tuck her in more only leaving after giving her head a light kiss. What if today was one of those days? How would she react to finding her missing? Would she even be safe enough to contact her before she came back home at three in the morning?

Carlisia could almost see the worry etched on her mother's face as she realised her daughter was missing. Would she frantically call Carlisia's name, searching every corner of their home in a desperate attempt to find her?
Carlisia's heart ached at the thought of her mother's anguish. She had always been the source of strength for her family, and now she was leaving them behind, unsure if she would ever return.

Carlisia didn't know.

Carlisia couldn't escape the gnawing feeling of guilt. She had hoped for a life here, a life with her family and friends.

A tear involuntarily streaked her cheek thinking of everything she was leaving behind, everything she was walking to. For a moment before everything had gone to shit she had imagined she could live here, really live here. Things weren't as bad as she had imagined them to be. She had seen glimpses of happiness in this place, moments of warmth and togetherness.

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