Chapter 18

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"Oh! You're back." Carlisia stuttered, maybe he didn't saw her.

Gabriel didn't say anything as he looked at the ashes on her Carlisia's fingers then back at her face.

"Things were going so well. You just had to meddle didn't you?" He said, his voice laced with anger.

Carlisia's heart was beating frantically at this point.

"I think I should leave." Carlisia's voice shook, her breathing heavy.

Gabriel didn't say anything as he began to advance towards her, Carlisia moved away out of instinct.

He stopped once he was in front of the chimney and leaned down, all the while staring at Carlisia.

It didn't take him long to find the photograph among the ashes.

Carlisia could feel her throat tightening out of fear.

They were in a secluded place and no one knew she was here. Gabriel could kill her and bury her anywhere before anyone realized she was missing.

Looking at the photo, Gabriel chuckled.

Carlisia quietly inched towards the door.

If she got out of the room in record time, she could probably get out of the front door and in the forest with enough distance between them.

"Even my fire couldn't burn you." He murmured as he trailed his fingers over her end of the picture before growling and ripping Zane away.

His eyes landed on Carlisia.

Her eyes met his golden ones for a moment, before breaking off into a sprint.

"Carlisia!" Gabriel bellowed angrily but Carlisia was already out of the front door, Gabriel hot on her heels. He reached out to grab her and caught a fistful of her jacket causing Carlisia to scream as she took it off in record time making sure to throw it at his face.

Gabriel howled like an animal as the jacket wrapped over his head giving Carlisia just enough time to run into the forest.

She couldn't hear Gabriel following her anymore but that didn't do much to ease her worry.

His eyes were golden. She was 100% sure now.

It was dark and she needed to find help. It didn't comfort her that her cellphone was left at Gabriel's coffee table.

If she had it on her, she could have called someone.

Carlisia shook her head. She need to focus on the resources she had which wasn't much, just her fear fueled adrenaline.

She ran with everything in her.

Hours went by, her body began to grow tired.

Her adrenaline was dying down, being replaced by tiredness.

The forest didn't seem to thin at all. She had started to feel someone watching her and knew something wasn't right.

Her top was ripped and her knees scabbed from all the time she had tripped on the rough patchy ground. She tripped again, blood dripped from the corner of her mouth as a stone bust her lip.

She quickly got up, and continued to run.

She could feel his presence more vividly now.

Not chasing her, no. Observing her.

He was amused how she thought she could run away.

Carlisia's knees buckled underneath her again, she was so tired and in so much pain.

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