Chapter 17

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Carlisia laughed as she sat across Gabriel picking forks of pasta on her plate.

"You did not do that. I don't believe you!" She laughed again.

Gabriel laughed too.

"Mrs. Peterson literally quit teaching after that." Gabriel laughed wiping his mouth with a napkin and sipping some whiskey.

"Oh my God!" Carlisia exclaimed laughing again and placed her hand over her mouth as she noticed people watching.

"I have been entertaining you for a while with my stories and you haven't said a word about yours. That doesn't seem very fair." Gabriel said playfully as Carlisia took a deep breath smiling.

She looked around the cozy café they were currently sitting in situated a town away from Fircrest. Gabriel had been true to his word. He had showed her around Fircrest then Tacoma, the town they were in currently and entertained her with stories of his childhood.

Her heart was full of joy.

"I have no adventures like yours to tell honestly." Carlisia said and her mind went to Zane.

He was the rebel among them. Always getting into detention, always being there for here. If he was here, he would have had many adventurous endeavors to brag about.

On the other hand, Carlisia had been a model student. Great grades, punctual, organized. Everything you want from an A star student.

"Come on. Just tell me about yourself. Your life in Australia. How stuff was there, just anything." Gabriel encouraged.

He was over the moon.

His gamble had paid of better than he had imagined.

Carlisia sat in front him, listening to him, laughing with him. At this pace, he might be able to get her sooner than he imagined.

"Well," Carlisia began compiling her thoughts,

"Life in Australia was very good. It was mostly me and my best friend Zane but I was a social person. You know those people who people just come to? I was kind of like that I guess. I was a nerd on the inside who was also on the cheer squad two years in a row so that sort of made me popular there. Other than school I didn't like socializing much, so practically I had no life." Carlisia finished shaking her head.

"This must sound so boring." Carlisia said shaking her head.

"It really doesn't." Gabriel said, trying to encourage her but that was it.

Carlisia didn't say anymore, causing him to frown.

He liked listening to her speak.

"So what are your hobbies?" He asks, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Books. Everything books. Reading them, collecting them, everything. Oh, and ballet. I love to dance." Carlisia said in a heartbeat as she wiped her mouth with the napkin.

Maybe you can dance someday for me?

"Ballet. That is unique."

Carlisia shrugged.

"There is a great bookstore just a few minutes away and if we leave now, we'll be able to visit it and reach just in time for the game." Gabriel said checking his watch.

"It's completely fine, you must be tired from all that driving!" Carlisia said quickly just as the waiter came with the bill and Gabriel paid.

"Not at all! I am enjoying this a lot." Gabriel replied getting up and Carlisia followed.

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