Chapter 62

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Have you ever noticed a butterfly with a bruised wing? The way it flutters in the air, trying to maintain its balance over and over again as the ground comes inevitably close. Its efforts, never truly enough to stop what lies ahead.

That is exactly how Carlisia felt as she woke up yet again in an unfamiliar room. There wasn't much to it as far as rooms go. It was plain, having the bare minimum: a queen bed, a single bedside table and an armoire. There was a door opposite to her a few feet away and one on her left as well.

Carlisia didn't get up from her place to explore where either of them opened to. She had woken up half an hour with little to no recollection of how she had got here.

She had remembered Gabriel, she had also remembered her futile struggles to get away from him. He had pushed her but everything had gone black after. Perhaps he knocked her out?

That would explain the relentless pulse of pain, emanating from her temple and coursing down her nape with deliberate, excruciating precision.

Perhaps if she got off the bed and walked to the mirror above the armoire, she could examine the bruises that had missed her field of view. She was sure there was a cut on her lip based on the subtle sting that danced upon the upper right corner of her lip, teasing her senses with every tentative sweep of her tongue.

Her eyes trailed to her feet that were bandaged, running barefoot across the forest was perhaps not her brightest moments but desperate times call for desperate measures right? Thankfully, she was still wearing the dress from Carson's castle. At least no one had bothered to change her, which brought her little comfort.

There was something to say about the lack of morality in the limited world of the mythicals she was exposed to. While the weres and vampires had evident issues with each other, both of them did seem to have a few things in common.

Both of them were selfish in their pursuits, ignorant about the pain their actions caused to others and very comfortable dragging other people to deliver their questionable sense of justice.

Carlisia pulled her knees closer to her chest, as she rested her temple on top, closing her eyes at the momentary sting.

There was the sound of a door closing somewhere distantly from her right, with murmurs of people conversing.

She guessed that was the way out, then. Good thing she was facing away from it.

The voices got louder and her heartbeat sped up even if her face stayed impassive. People hadn't been kind to her. Her reaction was only natural.

She didn't bother opening her eyes as the door to her room opened. The footsteps were quiet yet Carlisia felt as the person closed the distance.


Carlisia gave out a shaky breath but didn't turn to him. She had expected her first confrontation to be with Gabriel. She had imagined he would walk into the room, grab her, shake her, hit her even. She really didn't put anything above him.

But what she didn't expect it to be was Reuben.

"Carly?" He repeats.

Carlisia opens her eyes but stares unblinking at the wall she is facing.

She doesn' know what to say. Does he know what Carson was doing to her? She doubted he didn't, afterall he was recording everything. God knows what he had done and what they had seen.

Would they believe her if she told him how he was kind to her when she was awake, and that for a fleeting moment, she was even happy there - more than she had ever been here, of course before she found out he had been drugging her and molesting her to extort Gabriel. Using her as a juice bag too.

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