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Dark Hair cascaded down the woman's back, touching her waist. Natural light filtering in through the penthouse. Architectural digests littered the coffee table, along with an uncompleted sketch for a new client's town house. A stamp with her signature rested beside it in elegant cursive.

Marina Silicoid

Nothing less could be expected from one of the top architects in New York.

The timer on the oven tinged and the woman rushed to take out the roast chicken.

Her eyes fleetingly went to the watch over the flatscreen, her guest should be here any moment now.

Just as she set the chicken on the table with the carving knives, the bell rang.

"Come in!" She shouted down the hall.

The front door opened no later.

The man walked in holding a bottle of wine. The woman smiled,

"Right on time."

The man smiled in return, his fangs on full display. They no longer bothered her. He was the closest thing she had to family.

It had been eight years since this man had saved her life. Her trust had finally paid off.

"I am as punctual as they come, little lamb."

The woman smiled.

"I see you have gotten more accustomed to regular clothes." She said as she placed the salad on the table along with two glasses of wine.

"I can be very accommodating" He said pouring the wine the woman smiled.

"Let's not forget our first encounter."

"Come on! I rectified my mistake. You seem to forget how I did not let you be buried alive. Some would even call the coffin swap very smart!" Carson said exasperated as Carlisia laughed.

"You have a point."

He truly had right all wrongs. He had not only helped her escape Gabriel but built a life of her own. He had funded her education, her housing, gotten her this pent house even helped her get a new identity to restart her life.

She now had real friends who were not influenced by authority. Her relationship with Carson had turned familial over the last couple of years.

She often noticed him looking at her with longing. She knew he did most of this in the name of his sister. Carlisia also knew ever since she dyed her hair black and gotten the new contacts that she resembled Rose too.

She remembered the first time Carson saw her with her new hair, he had completely zoned out and called her Rose. She had asked if it bothered him she could change it but he had just gently touched her hair and shook his head.

"It looks great on you." He had said.

"Are you going to starve me Marina!?"

Carlisia realised she zoned out then scowled.

Over the years, Carson had lost his manners and sophistication with her too.

"I liked you when you had manners." Carlisia grumbled carving into the chicken and placing it in his place before pouring the glasses of wine and settling down.

"What fun would that be?" He grinned while taking a sip of wine.

"Gabriel just had a son." Carson said and Carlisia nodded.

Carson had decided to keep an eye on everyone back in Fircrest and keep her updated. According to him it was important to keep information stored. At the beginning it had been hard but therapy had gone a long way - another courtesy by Carson.

Gabriel hadn't married but had decided to have children via surrogacy. . He needed an heir for the security of the pack. The child would be raised by a paid nanny until he is of age to be trained where Gabriel would take over. Carlisia felt bitter at the thought no child should be raised loveless. It had been years yet Gabriel had stayed the same.


That made her all the more thankful for Carson.

Sometimes she worried if Gabriel would find her but Carson had assured her there was no reason for him to travel this far from his pack plus, he had people keeping a close eye.

She was safe.

Carson cleared his throat and Carlisia met his gaze.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, all traces of humor gone.

Was she okay?

Carlisia looked around her home, the papers on the coffee table from work, her plants by the balcony and a sense of calm filled her. A smile blossoming her face.

"I am."

Carson smiled in return talking about how politics was difficult and how being the heir was getting to him.

Carlisia listened to him smiling.

Days would not be easy but for now, she was finally happy.

The End

This story truly feels like the end of an era for me. It didn't unfold exactly as I had originally planned, but that's the beauty of writing—it's shaped not only by my own vision for the characters, but also by how all of you, my wonderful readers, have responded to it. I hope you've found as much joy in reading it as I have in writing it. Your comments and engagement have been my main source of inspiration.

As this story draws to a close, I look forward to reconnecting with you all in future with another dark romance. I'll make the next one more refined not only in terms of writing but also in the plot development that might have seemed rushed here.

Thank you once again for joining me on this journey.

-P.S Can you find the easter egg in this chapter? (Hint: Its in the name)

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