Chapter 12

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Carlisia's hood was up as she drove her mother's car, a few wet strands escaping and framing her face.

It was dark for 6:00 pm but the weather in this town was always dark and cloudy so no surprise there.

Taking a right, Carlisia looked at the small pharmacy/grocery store with relief. This would do.

Haphazardly parking the car, Carlisia walks out with the car keys clutched in her hand. She did regret getting in the car half way through when the sweats broke in but she was too far off to return home without the medicine she needed.

The sleeping pills.

Her heart beat quickened as she looked at a group of boys smoking by their car in the parking, laughing but they ceased the minute they saw Carlisia.

"Hey sexy, where do you think you're going?" One of the boys said coming near Carlisia.

Carlisia ignores him and begins to walk towards the entrance more quickly.

Her chest was about to explode from how hard her chest was thumping.

He whistles, just as his friends snicker.

Carlisia is about to break into a run but as if sensing what she was about to do, he grabs her arm in record speed and whirls her around.

Carlisia's hood comes off and the laughing stops.

"Shit!" One of the boys said by the car as he stared at Carlisia.

"O-Oh!"  The guy in front of her stuttered.

The guy who grabbed her let go, looking green all of a sudden. He looks around the empty parking lot, his eyes widening somewhere in a distance.

"I-I didn't know it was you. I'm sorry. So sorry." The guy said running away scared.

Carlisia didn't waste a moment as she ran in the opposite direction towards the store, pulling her hood up. There were beads of sweat on her forehead and her body ached as she entered the store, breathing hard.

She didn't look behind her as she walked straight to the medic counter in the back.

"Good evening, Mrs. How may I help you today?"

"Can you please get me some sleeping pills?" Carlisia said, fumbling with her wallet.

"Of course, I would just need your prescription please." The old man replied from behind the counter and Carlisia looked up, feeling dizzy.

"I-I don't have one."

"Well, I can't really help you then young lady. I will look forward to being of service once you have the prescription." The man said and Carlisia sighed, leaning against the counter for support.

Momentarily closing her eyes.

She felt really hot all of a sudden as she gently pushed the hood off her face and looked at the man again who looked at her concern.

"You don't look really well miss." He replies just as there is a ring of someone entering the store.

"I just feel a little under the weather. Can you please get me those pills? I promise to bring a prescription later." Carlisia breathes out.

Everything was spinning.

She closed her eyes as she looked down, supporting herself against the counter. The man quietly nodded as he went away.

Deep Breaths. Everything is fine.

Carlisia again felt a cool rush in her body as she grabbed her hood and pulled it back up. Everything felt hazy as she felt a presence beside her but she didn't bother looking.

Her vision was blurring.

On cue the doctor returned with an orange bottle.

"I'll need your ID." The doctor said and Carlisia nodded as she pulled away from the counter.

On cue, she fell to the floor. The support was gone.

There was a ringing in her ears as the man who quietly stood beside her now leaned over.

Her entire vision was blurry aside of Gabriel's face that was awfully close to her. He was saying something. His hand patting her cheek but it was as if Carlisia was deaf.

She could hear nothing but faint noises as she turned her head to the side and saw people rushing to her.

She saw the pharmacist calling someone,

911 what's your emergency

Carlisia turned her face back towards Gabriel only to be met with gold eyes. She stared at them until her own screams ringed through her ears and she began to thrash.

Gabriel quickly straddled her, grabbing both her wrist with ease in one hand.

"Fuck! You're burning." He murmured as he pinned her hands down.

Carlisia took a deep breath as Gabriel got up and threw her over his shoulder.

"No. Let go!" Carlisia moaned but Gabriel didn't listen as he walked out of the store.

Wind hit against Carlisia's face causing her to take a deep breath as she is laid in the backseat of a car. It didn't take her long to realize it was Gabriel's from the cologne.

It took Gabriel no time at all to zoom the car out of the parking lot and rashly onto the road.

"Hello? Yes, Maria I'm fine, in fact I was calling because of Carlisia. She's really sick and fainted in the store. I'm taking her to the hospital. I just wanted you to know that." Gabriel said.

Carlisia took deep breaths as she tried to sit up.

"I think you should stay down, we are almost there." Gabriel said.

Carlisia didn't reply as she collapsed back on the seat, placing her hand against her forehead.

Gabriel was driving rashly as he looked back at Carlisia from the rear view mirror, worry lacing his features along with anger.

If only she had went to the doctor this afternoon when he had offered to take her.

What if he wasn't around right now? What would have happened to her?

His bruised knuckles clenched the steering wheel. He had beaten those boys black and blue for what they had tried with his mate in the parking lot of the store.

Not that Carlisia would need to know that.

"Almost there." He murmured as he took the final turn and saw the hospital in view.

Gabriel parked the car at a crooked angle as he got out of his seat and grabbed Carlisia who was no longer conscious and rushed in the hospital.

Nurses quickly rushed to him and grabbed Carlisia, placing her on a stretcher and taking her away.

Gabriel took deep breaths as he stared at the end of the corridor of the hospital, watching his mate go.

GAAAAAHHHHHH Alpha Kane's Obsession officially ranks #5 in Obsession! Thank you so much for the love guys!

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