Chapter 38

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Maria fluffed Carlisia's pillow as Carlisia settled on the bed after a quick wash which her mother had assisted with. She had finally been discharged from the hospital after three weeks since she first got there.

To say she was relieved was an understatement.

"Mom, stop fretting." Carlisia said playfully and Maria smiled.

Carlisia noticed how weak and thin her mother looked, her days in the hospital had worn her mother too.

"Mom." Carlisia said, grabbing her mothers hand as she continued on the pillow.

Maria didn't look at Carlisia before tears started streaming down her face.

"Mom, I'm okay." Carlisia assured her by pulling her on the bed beside her.

Her mom just nodded, taking a shaky breath.

"I thought I was going to lose you." Her mother said as more tears streamed down her face.

Carlisia wiped them with a shaky hand.

"You didn't."

"I should have let you be in Australia. I shouldn't have forced you to come here. Jim wanted you to stay with him but I was selfish."

"Mom, don't say that."

Carlisia looked at her mom, seeing her like this made her stomach fall.

"I don't care what the Alpha wants. The minute you get better, I am going to make sure you go back to Australia."

Maria sniffled, finality in her voice.

Carlisia nodded, pulling her mom for a hug.

"Come with me. All of you. We can be a family in Australia."

Maria gave a humourless laugh,

"My sweet girl, the pack is all Ben and the boys have known. They won't leave."

Carlisia nodded, the words were on the tip of her tongue,

Then you come with me.

But they didn't escape her, it was too big of an ask. She already knew the answer, no point in poisoning the well.

"I'll come to visit." Carlisia whispered and Maria smiled.

"No, I will. Ben and the boys too. But if you leave, I don't ever want you to return."

Carlisia nodded as her mother got up and helped her lay down, tucking her in and leaving with a kiss on her forehead.

It was already late, ten in the evening and Carlisia was sure today would be the first night her mother might get a good night's sleep too, even if Carlisia would lay and stare at the ceiling unless sleeping was the only option.

She dreaded closing her eyes. Everytime she did, she would see blood dripping down Gabriel's mouth, her blood, as he smiled in ecstasy, eyes closed with his face angling up towards the ceiling. He would then open his eyes and stare directly at her before his smile would grow into something more sinister, blood dripping from the edges of his mouth, his teeth razor sharp before he snarls.

Some nights, the dream would morph into him biting into her side, some nights it would be her shoulder. Other nights, he would crawl over her body, staring directly into her eyes as his smile grew more and more until it would reach his ears and blood would drip on her face - this was the worst of them all and she would force herself to stay awake for hours after, only closing her eyes until there was no option but her body to shut down - the medications didn't help.

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