Chapter 28

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Carlisia smiled as she sat across from her uncle. They were sitting in a gorgeous restaurant. She wondered how her uncle knew of this spot and she didn't consider she lived here.

She stared at the vines on the rooftop falling down with fairy lights illuminating the table. Their table was on a pedestal and under it, Carlisia could see fishes swimming in the water. She wondered how beautiful this place would look in the afternoon. For a moment her mind wandered back to the afternoon she had with Gabriel.

After lunch, Gabriel insisted on coffee and after that, it was a walk in the park. It was 4:30 by the time Gabriel had dropped her to her house and Carlisia had rushed inside to her room, screaming her pent-up frustrations and anger into the pillow.

She had then freshened up and in about half an hour, her uncle had arrived.

"Thank you again, for the car. I really love it." Carlisia said, her uncle had come bearing gifts, a brand-new car to be precise.

He looked at her from above the menu, his eyes shielded by his reading glasses. Her uncle was a foodie and he would read a menu the same way he would read a business contract, with complete scrutiny.

A warm smile graced his face and warmth filled Carlisia at the familiarity of it.

"It makes me happy to see you happy." He said and Carlisia nodded as he settled the menu down.

"I know," Carlisia said, "You always say that."

"I mean it every time." Her uncle's voice was soft as he continued, "But my visit is not without a purpose."

Carlisia stares at him confused.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, clearly worried.

"You tell me." Her uncle said, his eyes fixed on Carlisia.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Zane called me. He said he was worried about you and looking at you now, I see what he meant."

Carlisia's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Zane's name. For a moment, it was like the world stopped.

"What did he say?" Carlisia asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"He said that he was worried about you and that you didn't seem like yourself," her uncle replied, his voice laced with concern.

"He's worried about you, and so am I. You seem distant and preoccupied. Your skin has gotten paler and you have bags underneath your eyes in just a few weeks. Is there something going on that you want to talk about?"

Carlisia could hear a heartbeat in her ears. Her throat tightened and her vision got cloudy. She wanted to scream and shout about everything that had happened to her. She wanted to tell him how Gabriel was forcing her and how no one was helping her. She wanted to show him the bruise on her upper arm from when Gabriel had grabbed her too tightly and tell him how coming here was the worst decision of her life.

But she knew how selfish that would be, Gabriel was powerful, he was the leader of his pack, it would be easy for him to burn everything in his way.

So instead of saying all that she wanted to, she took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts before speaking. "

It's just been a lot lately," she said finally. "The SATs are a burden, I'm struggling to make friends here, and to top it all off I can't stop thinking about Dad lately." She forced a smile, hoping her uncle would believe her.

Her uncle studied her for a moment before nodding slowly. He reached across the table and placed a hand on hers.

"I'm always going to be here, no matter what happens, you can come to me."

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