Chapter 22

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Carlisia's eyes were filled with intent as she stared into the mirror, with purpose, she grabbed her facewash and splashed water on her face.

She was exhausted, but it would all be worth it.

Carlisia had locked herself in her room, refusing to come out much less go to school. Everyone had tried to talk to her. Her mom would come daily and even put a tray of food outside the door every day which Carlisia refused.

On cue, there was a knock and a clatter of cutlery.

"Carlisia? Sweetie, do you want to come out? I made your favorite, chicken parm."

Carlisia didn't reply, she felt hollow.

"It's been six days Carly. Can we please talk?"

Carlisia could hear her mom's shaky breath; she was probably holding back tears. So was Carlisia.

She wanted to open the door, and pretend nothing ever happened but no one could be trusted. The minute she would open that door, her mom would know something is wrong. The final nail in the coffin would be the packed suitcase in her cupboard, her passport, and other essentials ready to go in the first drawer of her dresser.

She could hear her mom's retreating footsteps, any minute she would hear the car start and her mom leave for work.

Carlisia stared at the time, 9:00 pm, her mom would return tomorrow morning, after her night shift.

Gabriel should be arriving anytime now, a wolf in the woods peering in her window.

For the past six days, she had noticed his arrival and departure very closely. For the first night, she had stayed awake, reading a book and stealing glances outside the window, only to catch him staring. He didn't leave until she had lost focus and finally drifted off once the sunset. The next two days she pretended to sleep but whenever she would sneak to the window, she would still find him there till the morning. Something had occurred to Carlisia the next day, maybe he could hear her breathing? To test her theory, she subtly put her cell phone to record him. She noticed he would stay exactly an hour after midnight if she was sleeping peacefully and then leave.


Carlisia had set an alarm on her cellphone for 2:00 am. Her flight was at 6:00 am, and the nearest airport was more than an hour away. She had been smart about it. She had booked a business-class ticket and asked for the airline to send a car to pick her up.

They did seem concerned when she asked them to make sure the driver parked down the street and kept their lights off but didn't deny her – she was a paying customer and wasn't doing anything illegal either.

She kept some spare cash just to tip them for her request too.

Carlisia was already in her pajamas, she made a point of walking in front of the window, faking a yawn. As expected, she instantly spotted the wolf.

Their eyes interlocked for a moment as Gabriel got up, staring at her with silent anticipation.

Carlisia quickly turned away.

Once the clock strike midnight, it would be Friday and once the day would be over, Gabriel would stand at the front door to take her away for the weekend.

But she would be long gone.

The plan was simple. She would lock her room when she leaves, everyone would think she is still there. Gabriel would be none the wiser because he wouldn't know until she doesn't come downstairs to leave with him.

Not that she would do that willingly even if she still was here. He would have to drag her out and she would throw the biggest fit in the process, making sure the neighbors come out of their houses too.

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