Chapter 40

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News travelled fast within the pack of Reubens removal as beta, carried by whispers and hushed conversations that echoed through the corridors. The atmosphere grew tense, as if the very air had become charged with uncertainty. Pack members exchanged worried glances, their murmurs filled with a mixture of confusion and fear.

Gabriel had already called a pack meeting as if to add salt to the wound. The clearing in front of the pack house was filled with representatives of every household in the pack and since Reuben was nowhere to be found, Ben took his son's place. A stony expression clouding his features.

Gabriel stood at the front, his presence commanding attention. His gaze met Ben's, and for a moment, he saw a flicker of guilt in his eyes before it was quickly masked by an impenetrable mask of authority. Despite it, Ben kept his head high, even though Reuben had not returned home when the call for the meeting came, Ben heard the whispers.

"Pack members of Fircrest," Gabriel's voice rang out, its tone icy and commanding. "As some of you may have already heard, I have made a decision regarding our former Beta, Reuben. Due to a breach of trust and a disregard for the safety and well-being of this pack, I have removed him from his position."

A murmur spread through the crowd, a mixture of surprise, confusion, and concern. Ben kept his head high, as he grit his teeth. Being the beta was his family's legacy and they had served well for generations, but he would not allow himself to let go of his pride for one minute, when he had a vague idea of why this might have happened.

Gabriel continued, his voice cutting through the silence. "From this moment forward, Reuben's authority within the pack is revoked. You will no longer answer to him as the beta but as a regular member of the pack. Any attempts to aid him in his misguided actions will be met with severe consequences."

The tension in the room heightened, the weight of Gabriel's words sinking into the hearts of the pack members. Ben didn't let any emotion show as he turned to walk away. He knew Gabriel's eyes were on him but he didn't care, if he could so easily dismiss the sacrifices generations of his family had made to serve this pack, there was nothing left to say.

All Ben wanted to do was find his son. He wasn't at home the last time Ben had checked, there was only one other place that he could be.

Ben's heart felt heavy as he parked his car in the spot he usually did and walked among the tombstones. He found Reuben kneeling in front of one of the tombstones, not just any but his mother's, Ben's mate.

Even now, after all these years, Ben could feel the mate bond when he came to visit her.

Ben didn't say anything as he crouched beside his son and placed a loving hand on his back.

Reuben took a deep breath before finally sitting up and looking at his dad.

"I am sorry."

Ben shook his head and smiled.

"You do not need to be sorry, my boy."

Reuben gives a half hearted smile,

"I promised Carlisia I would help her leave if he hurt her. I went to talk some sense into Gabriel so he might let her go back to Australia for a few days. She wants to leave this place and I don't blame her for it. I didn't think he would do this."

Reuben's eyes begin to tear up again,

"I am sorry for bringing shame to our legacy."

Ben shook his head and wiped his son's tears with a shaky hand.

"It takes courage to stand up for what is right, that is what our legacy is. A title does not change it. I want you to know that it fills me with so much pride to know that you stood up for Carlisia when you had nothing to gain from it and the stakes so high. We will not bow our heads in shame, Reuben. Gabriel is blinded by possessiveness. He'll realise that this is not the way soon enough but I want you to know that you should stand tall. You being removed as Beta does not change anything."

Reuben nodded, he closed his eyes as his dad pulled him in and set his head on his shoulder in comfort.

"I am sorry that this is how things are but we keep our heads held high, okay? There is no bigger responsibility than protecting your family."


Carlisia sat in the lounge, waiting for the front door to open and Reuben to walk in.

Her mom had just told her what had happened with Reuben and to say Carlisia hated herself would be an understatement. She wanted her freedom, but she didn't want to be the person who would bring pain and shame to the family that had welcomed her with nothing but open arms.

She had apologised over and over again to her mother who had held her and told her it wasn't her fault. She would do the same with Ben.

She sat on the sofa for hours and when she could no longer sit up she had laid down. Zane had visited in the morning and had gone as far as helping her pack her stuff. It was only when the chaos broke did Carlisia make excuses to make him leave.

On cue, the front door opened and Carlisia abruptly sat up. Ben had his arm slung over Reubens shoulder. Reuben's head was hanging low, a tired expression on Ben's face.

Carlisia stood up as tears filled her eyes at their misery.

This was her fault. This was the cost of her selfishness. If she hadn't pressured Reuben to talk to Gabriel none of this would have happened.

"I am so sorry." She whispered as she stood in front of them and Reuben looked up. Carlisa's stomach dropped at the sight of him, his eyes were puffy, his nose red. A boy broken.

"I am so sorry, Reuben." Carlisia stepped forward and Reuben took in a shaky breath as if he was about to say something but stopped.

He gently stepped towards her, pulling her in for a hug and kissing her forehead before walking up the stairs.

Carlisa turned to Ben and gulped, her throat constricted as she looked at him.

"I am so, so sorry, Ben. I never thought -"

Ben shook his head,

"My sweet girl, you have nothing to apologise for. Whatever happened, happened but none of this was your fault. None."

Carlisia nodded as a tear slid down her cheek, Ben just lovingly flicked it away before kissing her forehead and walking after Reuben.

As the echoes of their footsteps faded, Carlisia stood alone in the silence, her heart heavy with regret and sorrow. She couldn't help but question her own desires, her longing for freedom, and the consequences it had wrought upon those she cared for most. The shadows of doubt danced in her mind, taunting her with their insidious whispers.

The realisation sank in that her desire for freedom had come at a high cost. It wasn't just her own happiness that was at stake; it was tearing apart the bonds she had formed with those she held dear. The repercussions of her choices reverberated through the halls, leaving a trail of heartache and broken trust in their wake.

Carlisia sank to her knees, her hands trembling with the weight of her actions. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to catch her breath, the darkness threatening to consume her. She felt the walls closing in, suffocating her spirit, suffusing her with a profound sense of helplessness.

Carlisia should plead his case, she knew Gabriel would listen to her but the thought of facing him made her blood run cold. A shaking had trailed to the bandage on her side, knowing very well there were twin bandages on her shoulders as well.

She hated herself for being selfish, she hated herself for being scared. In a better world, where she was strong, she would have walked out of that door and went to Gabriel to make things right with Reuben, she would put her pride aside and beg him even but this wasn't a better world so instead, she got up and made her way back to her room.

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