Chapter 7

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"Gabriel." Rueben said in a matter of greeting as the man walked in the café.

His thick military boots left shoe imprints behind him as he walked to their table, keeping his eyes on Carlisia.

Carlisia quickly looked away and watched as Reuben stood up to greet the man.

"No need to get up Reuben. I hope I'm not ruining your fun." He said still looking at Carlisia.

As the man got closer, Carlisia finally took in his features. She had seen him before. She just couldn't remember when.

"Not at all. We were just leaving." Reuben replied and on cue Elijah got up from beside her, gently pulling her up.

"Oh, and who is your company." Gabriel said and Reuben quickly spoke.

"This is our step sister Carlisia. Carlisia, this is my friend Mr. Gabriel Kane. He runs a few businesses here."

Carlisia nodded eyeing Gabriel out reached hand,

"It's very nice to meet you." He said.

Carlisia looked at him and placed her hand in his shaking it while Elijah and Rueben both eyed Gabriel attentively.

No one wanted a repeat of the last time.

"You look a bit young to be running businesses." Carlisia said and Gabriel smirked.

"Well, if it weren't for all these dim lights you might even see me blushing." He replied cockily.

He laughed as he watched Carlisia's cheeks turn red.

Reuben chuckles,

"Dad and Maria would be worried. We should probably get home. Elijah why don't you both go and sit in the car, I'll be there in few." Reuben said and Carlisia gratefully nodded as he handed the keys to Elijah and both of them left out of ear shot.

"I see she doesn't remember a thing." Gabriel said.

"Yeah, we all told her that she fell from the stairs. She believed it too." Reuben replied.

Gabriel smiled at the response, "Good."

"How are you going to work things out with her?" Reuben asked and Gabriel narrowed his eyes at him, not replying.

"Is she feeling okay?" Gabriel asked and Reuben got the message.

"Yes, she is doing much better." He replied and Gabriel nodded.

"See you later Reuben." Gabriel said and not wasting another moment turns and walks out of the dinner.

As he does, he notices his Carlisia.

It was like time slowed as he watched her leaning against the car, her hair flowing as she shook her head while laughing. Her little hands made gestures in the air as she told something funny to Elijah causing them both to burst out in laughter.

Gabriel noticed as her eyes travelled to him and her smile slowly faded. She slowly turned away and whispered something to Elijah and no later both of them sat inside the car as Reuben had told them in the first place.

Gabriel frowned has walked to his vehicle.

Why was she being uncomfortable around him?

He clenched his tattooed fists as he settled in his sleek black sports car, looking his Carlisia looking outside the car window.

He watched as Reuben got in the car and they rolled out of the parking lot.

Wind blew from Carlisia's hair and into his nostrils. If he could, he would capture every particle of her scent and place it in a bottle. All for himself.

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