Chapter 10

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"No" Carlisia blurted out.

People stared at her wide eyed then at the Alpha who was scowling.

"What?" Gabriel questioned, glaring at her.

"I'd be much better off with David." Carlisia said and the entire class whipped their head towards David.

"I don't mind." David said and Gabriel glared at him.

Everyone watched as Gabriel walked towards David slowly, his fists clenching and unclenching.

Carlisia' stomach dropped to her feet as she looked at the scene.

She shouldn't have dragged David in this.

"Get up." Gabriel said, his eyes were gold.

David shakily stood up. Gabriel inwardly smirked at the fear in the boys eyes.


Gabriel placed both his hands on David's shoulder.

"Now, I'll say this once. And it goes for all of you."

Gabriel seethed looking around the classroom before staring David straight in the eyes.

"Stay. The Fuck. Away. From. My. Mate!" He growled and before anyone could say anything, he slammed his forehead against David.

There was a disgusting 'thump' as everyone gasped.

Even the teacher stood wide eyed.

Surprisingly David didn't make a sound as he crumbled to the floor on his knees, breathing hard while clutching his head.

Gabriel turned back to Carlisia just as the bell rang. Before Gabriel could take a step towards her, Carlisia ran.

People looked at her weird as she ran across the now filling hallways and into the girls rest room. She locked the cubicle behind her as she knelt down and threw up the contents of her breakfast in the toilet bowl.

Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God

She panicked as she took deep breaths, wiping the tears that had escaped her eyes and stained her cheeks. She felt like a deer caught in headlights.

Her mind raced.

She needs to go to the police. Yes, she'll talk to her mom and they'll go to the police.

This was harassment right? Maybe she could ask David to come forward.

Carlisia sat quietly in the cubicle, hand over her chest. Time went by, her cellphone rang multiple times.

5 missed calls from Elijah

8 missed calls from Reuben

Before she knew it, she ended up skipping her second period.

Just as she decided to get up and walk home, she heard the door to the bathroom open and two set of footsteps walk in.

Carlisia sat back down on the toilet seat, pulling her legs up and held her breath thinking it was Gabriel.

"Did you hear what happened in Mr. Adams home room!?" A girl said.

Carlisia's heart settled but her ears perked up at the conversation.

"Oh my God! Yes! That human girl is the Alpha's mate. I can't believe it!" Another girl said shocked.

Hearing that Carlisia's ears perked up.



While she had heard the word 'mate' for the first time she had heard 'Alpha' way too many. People almost always called Gabriel that. It was only when they noticed her did they say Mr.

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