Chapter 57

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Carlisia gasped as she woke up. Her breathing was erratic as she looked around the room, her hands trailing over her body, checking for bruises or any discomfort but she was fine, there were no bruises on her and she was in a silk night dress yet she did not remember changing.

She remembered the dream so vividly, she remembered Carson on top of her, his eyes black like that first day he had attacked her in the dungeons.

Carlisia felt like her chest was constricting as she looked around the dark room. She didn't know what time it was but something wasn't right.

Carlisia placed her hands over her mouth, strangling in the sob before it escaped. As if sensing she was awake the lights to the room automatically brightened as a knock resided on the door.

Before she could answer, the servant girl walked in, smiling as always. A crimson dress was in her arms.

"The Kingdom of the Night seems to be rubbing off on you. You slept through the entire day, it's almost time for dinner - Oh, are you okay?"

The girl stopped at Carlisia's wide eyed stare.

"How did I get to my room? I was in the library."

"Don't you remember? I helped you back. You were mostly awake." The servant girl said nonchalantly as she placed the dress on the sofa and turned to her.

"No. I remember I fell asleep on the sofa." Carlisia said, the servant girl looked at her with concern.

"You must be very tired but I must remind you that you called me and I walked you to your room before helping you change."

Carlisia tried to remember but nothing came to her as she watched the girl go to the bathroom. She got up and walked to the window, momentarily glancing at her reflection in the mirror. She looked fine aside from a little pale skin probably due to lack of sunlight yet she felt different.

Carlisia's sense of disorientation and unease intensified as she stood by the window. The servant's explanation didn't sit right with her. How could she have fallen asleep in the library and woken up in her room, wearing a nightdress no less, without any memory of the transition?

She continued to look out the window, though the view was obscured by the darkening sky. The sense of being watched crept over her again, sending shivers down her spine. Her anxiety was now a palpable presence in the room.

"I don't remember any of it," she murmured to herself, her voice quivering. In this place, where the line between reality and illusion was blurred, a lack of memory was far more distressing.

The servant, sensing Carlisia's distress, returned from the bathroom, a look of concern in her eyes. "Is there something troubling you, dear?" she asked, her voice soft and soothing.

Carlisia turned to face the girl, her eyes searching for any sign of deception. "I can't remember anything from when I was in the library. It's like a blank. How is that possible?"

The servant girl approached her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "The Kingdom of the Night can be disorienting, especially when you're new here. Sometimes, the memories get hazy. But don't worry, I'm here to help you with anything you need."

Carlisia stared at the hand on the shoulder then the girl. The more she stared at her the more the girl's explanation seemed weird. Something was definitely not right.

"Thank you," she replied to the servant, offering a weak smile. "I must have been more tired than I thought. I appreciate your help. I think I should get ready for dinner now."


Carlisia had lost track of time, she didn't know how long she slept but every time she did, there were those vivid dreams that felt too real. There were times she could even feel Carson, hear him speak sweet things that would oddly relax her but then she would wake up and those nightmares would feel so much like reality.

She would be tired when she was awake, her appetite seemed to be nonexistent. Oddly enough her scars had almost completely healed. When he had asked Carson about it he had dismissed it as an offering of the castle. Yet, she had remembered in one of the dreams where he had bit her on those very scars.

There were constant headaches she couldn't get rid of. She would often notice Carson eyeing her, as if waiting for something yet she had nothing to say.

On cue there was a knock on the door.

No later the servant girl entered with a pot of tea.


Gabriel was in the meeting room with his men. A map was opened on the grand table. The Kingdom was Night was a hidden masterpiece. Gabriel stared at it as his head of offence walked through the plan.

It was simple.

We needed to get in and get out with Carlisia. Their attack would only be after a team of his spies had retrieved her.

They needed to keep it quick and simple, the Lochans support was only going to stretch so far and there would be political consequences at the end of it but Carlisia's safety was paramount.

Gabriel's mind went to the videos Carson had shared. He had gotten bolder after that first one. Every single day Gabriel would receive a video of Carson feeding off of Carlisia, touching her, whispering things into her ear. Carlisia would be too drugged to fight him.

Those moments were agony for Gabriel but he couldn't barge in and give into Carson's attempt at nerving him. While these videos were painful they were proof his mate was alive. The only thing stopping him from attacking any sooner was the damned bewitched castle he was keeping her in.

They had needed to track down a group of witches willing to help infiltrate The Kingdom of Night. Witches liked to stay in hiding thanks to the way humans had burned them at the stake and every moment they had spent searching for one was agony but it was needed.

For some reason, Reuben had been acting weird ever since the north team had stumbled in the pack house with that witch.

Gabriel eyed the witch. The girl had raven hair, striking green eyes and unblemished olive skin. Gabriel's eyes then travelled to Reuben standing beside her, sneaking glances at the girl.

If Gabriel wasn't exhausted with worry he might have poked around Reuben and pestered him a bit.

Give him a taste of his own medicine.

Instead, Gabriel gave a single clap as the room levelled to pin drop silence.

"Let's go over the plan one final time!"

If everything went well, Carlisia would be back home in the next 48 hours.

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