Chapter 3

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The boy walked with long strides, looking at the paintings covering the walls of the hallway before he stopped in front of a familiar door.

He raised his hand to knock but before he could, a voice beckoned him to enter.

"Come in Reuben." a gruff voice said.

Alpha Gabriel Kane stood shirtless behind his desk, looking out the window, the muscles in his back flexing every now and then.

"She has arrived." Reuben said and heard a chuckle.

"I know, I had her followed from the airport." The man said and turned around.

"Why didn't you ask me to do that Gabriel?" Reuben said.

"Wouldn't want you spying on your new sister Reuben." The Alpha said mockingly.

"That does not surpass my duties as your beta." Reuben said.

He sighed when he didn't get a response from his Alpha.

"Do you want me to assess the situation?" He asked and the Alpha shook his head.

"Don't bother, I will do that myself. We haven't had an outsider here in a long time." He said with a paranoid edge in his voice.

Reuben nodded.

"I'll tell dad." Reuben said.

"Don't bother. I have already told him." Gabriel replied turning back to his window.

He felt paranoid.

Carlisia sat in a comfy sofa, hugging her knees as she looked outside the window with a blank expression. The wolf had disappeared the minute she had laid her eyes on it.

Almost as if it wasn't there.

This was the second time in a day that she questioned her sanity. Was she really imagining the wolf?

Her sleep had vanished with that wolf and ever since then she had sat on this sofa and thought things over.

Maybe her tiredness had come to the point that she was overthinking everything?

She is brought out of her thoughts with a knock on the door.

"Come in." She said, still looking outside.

"I brought you something warm to drink Carly." Her mother said, entering the room.

Carlisia turns around and gave her a small forced smile.

"Thanks mom." She said as her mother settled in the sofa opposite to her.

"It's no problem sweetie." Her mother said then looked around the room.

"I hope everything is okay?" She said and Carly nodded, grateful.

"It is, mom. Everything is perfect. Thank you for all of this." She said and her mother sighed.

"No need to thank me. I actually wished a day would come where you would come to live with me. I never knew the circumstances would be like this." Her mother said and Carlisia didn't reply as she swallowed the lump forming in her throat. She quickly wiped her eyes with her arm before any tears fell and cleared her throat.

"Well, I guess this is how it was meant to be." She said looking up at the ceiling.

She took a deep breath and forced a smile however the minute her eyes met her mother's her smile faltered and she started sobbing.

Her mother quickly came to her side and engulfed her daughter in a hug.

"It's okay Carly. It will be okay." She said, as she rubbed Carlisia's back.

"I don't know how I will live without him mom. He was everything to me." Carly said and her mother continued to reassure her.

"It will be okay."

After a few minutes Carly nodded and untangled herself from her mom.

She shakenly wiped her face with her hand, sniffling.

"You know darling, your father and I never saw eye to eye but, every time I look at you, I see a piece of him and my heart melts like it used to. He will always live in you Carly." Her mother said.

"Well, not like in you." Her mother joked and Carlisia laughed finally.

"Yeah, I get it." She said, genuinely smiling.

On cue her cell phone started to ring.

Both of their eyes dart towards the coffee table to see who it is.

"Who is this Zane?" Her mother asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Mom! He's a friend." She replied and her mother laughed.

"I expect to know all about him." Her mother said getting up.

"You can stay if you want to. I'll call him later." Carlisia said and her mother smiles.

"You talk to him. It will do you good." She said and left, closing the door behind her.

Carlisia quickly received the call.

"Hi Zane." Carlisia said as a smile creeped on her face.

Zane had been her best friend since kindergarten.

"Where were you? I thought you were going to call! I missed you!" He replied dramatically.

"I got a little busy with stuff. You know I miss you too! What time is it there?" She asked.

"Nine in the morning. Your place?" He replied.

"Six in the evening." She replied causing his eyes to widen.

"Wow, we are so far away. A day ago we were practically underneath the same roof now we are miles away from each other, I hate it." He said honestly causing Carlisia to frown.

"Me too, but I guess there isn't much to be done" Carlisia said.

"I guess but at least you won't have to see Patty Mathersons face every day at school anymore." He said mockingly.

Carlisia laughed at that.

"Yeah Zane, the scales are forever tipped in my favor." She said sarcastically and they both laughed.

"You know you are the best right?" She said after a few minutes.

"Who doesn't?" He replied cheerfully yet cockily trying to make her laugh but she could sense the faint sadness in his voice.

She heard footsteps approaching her room and decided to end the call.

"I- I gotta go Zane. I'll call you later, okay?" She said looking towards the door.

"Yeah baby girl. And remember positive energy!" He said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, positive energy." She assured, smiling.

Just as the line fell dead the expected door knock came.

In seconds her mother entered the room. She looked a little nervous.

"Carly do you mind getting washed up? Ben is having an important guest over and I would love to introduce you to him." Her mother said but Carlisia could sense the edge and nervousness in her voice.

Something wasn't right.

"Sure." She replied weirded out.

Carlisia wondered what was going on as she watched her mother nod and leave the room, closing the door gently.

Maybe the guest is super important?

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