Chapter 55

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Carlisia stared out the window in her room, it was dark. The magnificent castle overlooking the endless expanse of the ocean, a gentle breeze caressed her face and carried with it the intoxicating scent of the sea. The air was cool and refreshing, like a whispered secret from the depths of the water.

The aroma was a delicate symphony of brine and salt, intermingled with the subtle sweetness of seaweed and the faintest hint of distant blossoms carried on the wind.

Closing her eyes, Carlisia let the soothing fragrance envelop her senses. She had felt content with her day. Today was the most she had learned about the supernatural world, from Werewolves and Vampires to Little Folks and Sea Creatures. Carlisia had no idea what had lurked on planet Earth before.

Carson had disappeared after their brief talk regarding the portrait of his sister and Carlisia was glad to be left with her thoughts. No one had bothered her when she had chosen to explore the castle, it seemed weird in the beginning but made sense when she couldn't find the front door. She walked through numerous corridors yet it felt like she was walking in circles and aside from the dining room, library or the room she had woken up in she hadn't stumbled anywhere else.

After stumbling on the same corridor the 10th time, she had collapsed on the floor, her head in her hands. She had assumed she was going crazy but magic also seemed likely. If she wanted to understand how to get out of this place, she needed to find the door out and she couldn't do that until she figured out what was up with this castle.

She had planned to ask Carson about it but he had not joined her for dinner. The elaborate spread on the table had seemed excessive for just one person but Carlisia wasn't one to complain. This was better than being tied up in the basement - if she could call that place a basement to begin with.

Carlisia's mind went back to the portrait of Carson's sister. The way he had talked about her told Carlisia he had loved her dearly - as he should have. There was no bounds to love when it came to family.

Carlisia still felt the pain of losing her dad, every waking moment she thought what her mother might be going through, Ben even. While Reuben and Elijah were her step brothers she still hoped they were looking for her as if she was their own blood.

There were no ifs and buts, she had to go back for them, just so they know she is safe and don't worry themselves to an early grave.

Carson's sister might be dead, but something told her it had something to do with Gabriel and hence her captivity.

She had all the major pieces of the puzzle, she just needed the details and got the hell out of this place before her luck ran out and Carson's claws crushed her windpipe.

Carlisia involuntarily traced the embroidery on her bodice. There had to be a reason for these luxurious clothes, this unlimited access to knowledge, the freedom to roam around.

She was a prisoner, there was no doubt about that, yet aside from that moment in the basement, Carson had not laid a finger on her.

Carlisia's attention went to the door as soon as there was a knock. No later, the helper from earlier entered with a tray in her hand and silk dangling on her arm.

"The castle is known to be difficult at night, chamomile tea seems to help."

The girl smiled at Carlisia as she placed the tray on the nightstand before laying out the night dress on the bed. It was a silk night dress, similar to the one she had woken up in. The only difference being the colour from black to midnight blue.

Carlisia didn't even know what the girl meant by 'difficult' but she chose to ignore it.

"Would you like to bathe before bed?"

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