Chapter 31

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Carlisia was screaming as Gabriel pushed his teeth until they were completely inside. He stayed like that for a minute. Carlisia's thrashing had decreased to stop hurting herself as she just screamed into his hand. Her eyes tightly closed from the pain. She could slowly feel his teeth retracting from her shoulder, until she only felt the tips of them inside her but before he could pull away, he bit back down, much harder.

Her body jolted from the pain, a much louder scream escaping her as she again began to struggle against him. Gabriel completely ignored her as he reached on the other side and ripped her shirt more to expose the other shoulder.

Carlisia's eyes widened and she began to shake her head. Gabriel completely ignored her as he sharply pulled his teeth out from one shoulder. For a brief moment Carlisia saw her blood dripping down his mouth and chin, his sharp canine's covered in her blood, the satisfied smile on his face, the crazy look in his eyes.

Could he see the fear and pain in hers?

Carlisia closed her eyes shut as Gabriel roughly bit down on the other shoulder. She was a sobbing mess, dizzy from the pain as she began to lose her support against the wall.

Gabriel pulled her to him, the hand on her mouth snaking behind her neck, the other circling her waist to keep her in place as he pushed his teeth more inside.

All energy had escaped her as Carlisia just violently shook, she couldn't breathe. She was gasping like a fish out of water as Gabriel began to crouch on the floor.

Carlisia closed her eyes as she tried to control her sobs, praying he would leave. Praying he would get his teeth out and leave. But he didn't.

After a while his teeth retracted from her shoulder. Carlisia thought it was over but he ripped her top completely off and Carlisia didn't have time to register as a gasp left her mouth his teeth were in her side. She felt something snap and much sharper pain shoot up her side as everything faded into darkness.

Gabriel felt euphoric as he felt Carlisia's blood run into his mouth. The first bite was to mark - it was tradition, the rest was pleasure as he pushed his teeth into her, loving the feeling of her meat and bone against his teeth. He loved the taste of her blood, he couldn't make himself stop after the first bite. He didn't want to.

Gabriel felt another crack and he groaned, he didn't want to stop. Gabriel retracted his teeth and looked up at the ceiling, closing his eyes as he relished the moment before laying his head over Carlisia's stomach taking deep breaths. Ever since meeting Carlisia, today was the first day his wolf was satisfied.

Once Gabriel had control over his body and his canines were rolled back in along with his wolf, Gabriel noticed how eerily quiet it was. How Carlisia wasn't struggling, she wasn't sobbing.

Maybe she had enjoyed it by the end?

For female werewolves it did start with pain but the experience was equally euphoric. Was it the same for her?

Gabriel raised his head from Carlisia's stomach and his gut twisted.

Blood was pooling around her body, while she was unconscious her eyes were slightly open, her skin awfully pale as a trail of tears poured out, sliding down her temple.

She wasn't healing, his saliva was supposed to heal her, but it hadn't.

The wounds on her shoulder were rough and open, he looked at her side and his eyes widened, more blood was pooling out of her.

"Fuck." Gabriel whispered as he grabbed his cellphone and called the doctor.

Carlisia needed more than in house medical assistance and was transferred to the pack house's infirmary wing. She had lost a lot of blood and required multiple transfusions. Gabriel had to pay a handsome amount for it since werewolves cannot acquire human blood normally like humans could and no one knew how Carlisia's body would have reacted to a werewolf's blood. She had two broken ribs where his teeth had bitten through and the doctors were thankful her lungs hadn't gotten any punctures.

She had also gotten a fucking tetanus shot because in no way her body was accepting the marking like any other female werewolf would have.

All in all, she was being treated just like any human would have been after an animal attack.

"She's stable for now, but it was touch and go for a while. Her injuries are severe, and her body is struggling to heal. We managed to stabilise her and stop the bleeding, but she's still in critical condition. It's going to be a long road to recovery."

Gabriel's eyes were fixed on the bed where Carlisia lay, her face pale against the stark white sheets. Tubes and wires were connected to her, monitoring her vital signs. Gabriel acknowledged the doctor with a short nod just as commotion was heard outside.

Just as the doctor left the door opened to a hysterical Maria, Ben followed closely behind with two nurses. Maria's hair was dishevelled, she was still in her nurse's uniform with her tired face and eyes red from sobbing.

As her eyes landed on Carlisia it was like all air left her and she crumpled to the floor, her face in her hands as she sobbed. Ben kneeled by his wife, rubbing her back as Maria sobbed, both of them completely ignored Gabriel.

Two nurses came in, ready to take Maria and Ben out but Gabriel looked at them and shook his head.

The nurses bowed in return and left the room.

A lump formed in his throat as he followed them out.

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