Chapter 59

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Carson retreated his nails the minute Carlisia lost consciousness. Stream of blood leaked from the crescent shaped cuts on her skin, sliding down her neck.

A bruise instantly began to form down her neck, her breathing shallow as he got off of her and walked towards the camera. Making sure his expression was that of contentment.

"I hope my sister haunts you, everytime you see these little videos, Alpha Kane." Carson smirked before closing the video tape.

His smirk fell off his face as he took a deep breath. He closed his eyes as he tried to settle the disgust he felt with himself at that moment.

At first he had assumed hurting Carlisia would be easy but then he saw how she was intrigued by everything. The questions she asked him, despite her fear for him, the intellectual conversations she held during dinner based on the books she had read in the library that day.

Somewhere along the way hurting her had become difficult yet, he could not deny the throne and this is what the throne demanded of their future king - brutality to their enemies.

What better way to prove it than this.

Besides, it was only fair. He should be enjoying this. He had dreamed of hurting Gabriel and the Kane bloodlines for ages. Yet, another glance at the bed and the answer was evident.

He didn't.


Gabriel felt numb as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.



Gabriel couldn't get Carlisia's screams out of his mind as he replayed the video Carson had sent inside his head. Carlisia wasn't drugged in this one.

She had looked pale and weak as she confronted Carson before being attacked.

Gabriel knew Carlisia was terrified of him and after learning what had happened with Carson's sister, Gabriel felt that the road to redemption was long gone.

For now, he wasn't going to think that and get distracted. The only thing that mattered was getting Carlisia out. He just had to wait for the sun to go down.

The plan was simple, Reuben's team would stay with the witch and keep the defenses off of the castle while his team went in. Two teams would stand by in case there are any unexpected attacks. Clean and quick.

Gabriel stared out the window, watching the sun rise for the day.

Now all he had to do was wait for it to set.


Carlisia's eyes were bloodshot as she sat on the bed. There was dried blood on her neck along with a purple bruise. The door to her room was locked.

Carlisia hugged her knees to her chest, resting her forehead on top. She took deep breaths, not knowing if these might be her last.

It was early morning from the looks of it. Carlisia's eyes trailed to look outside the window as the first rays of sunshine began to cast shadows over the vast expanse of water.

She wanted to kick herself for thinking better of Carson. She had been plucked from one prison and thrown in another. A sob escaped her lip as she closed her eyes letting the tears fall.

He cut out her heart and drank her blood.

Maybe Carson was going to do that to her. She silenced the next sob that threatened to tear from her being. She didn't know how long she sat on the bed, her knees to her chest as she sobbed only stopping when there was a knock on the door.

Terror coursed through her but there was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Begging had got her nowhere either. Instead Carlisia just hugged her knees closer to her chest.

The door opened no later and the maid walked in with clothes in her hand. She stared at Carlisia and gave her an acknowledging nod before turning towards the bathroom.

"I'll draw the bath for you."

Another sob tore through Carlisia at the normalcy in the servant's voice. Carlisia's body pushed down on the bed as she sobbed while hugging her knees.

The maid came out of the bathroom, Carlisia barely heard her over her own wheezing and coughing as she told her the water was ready but Carlisia ignored it.

Carlisia took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down before breaking in another fit of sobs. The servant did not say anything but after a while, when it became clear Carlisia wasn't getting up, she simply left.

Carlisia sobbed and sobbed until her very soul felt drained.

She heard the heavy footsteps only when it was too late and the door opened. Carlisia closed her eyes, pulled her body closer to her, waiting for the blow at any moment.

She heard Carson sigh but he didn't come near her, she heard the echo of his footsteps as surely as she heard her very ragged breaths, trying to be as small as possible, yet the footsteps stopped away from her.

For a long while there was silence, if it wasn't for his eyes on her Carlisia would have thought he had left but yet he was in the room, her back towards him as more tears streamed down her face.

She waited for the blow any moment now but nothing came. She waited for a while but soon curiosity got the best of her as she uncurled into a sitting position, turning towards the man gazing at her.

He leaned by the window sill, the rays of sunlight illuminating his silhouette, his arms folded in front of him, his face expressionless.

Carlisia took a shaky breath, as she pushed back a bit. Her body shook like a leaf in the wind.

Carlisia's eyes met Carson's, and they held a mixture of fear, confusion, and desperation. She couldn't understand his motivations, couldn't fathom how he could switch from kindness to cruelty in the blink of an eye.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The silence was oppressive, as if it held the weight of all the secrets and lies within the castle. She had expected violence, expected more torment, but instead, Carson remained strangely distant.

His silhouette was like a dark sentinel, unmoving by the window, the soft rays of sunlight outlining him. There was something off in his expression, an ambiguity that she couldn't decipher.

"Wh-what do you want?" she stammered, her voice trembling. Her gaze darted between him and the door, considering the slim chance of escape.

Carson didn't answer immediately. He seemed lost in thought, his eyes fixed on her. It was unnerving to be studied this way, as if she were a curious specimen, but the lack of violence was a welcome relief.

Finally, Carson spoke in a tone that was far too calm for the situation. "I'm giving you a choice."

Carlisia blinked in astonishment. A choice? That was a word she hadn't expected to hear in this place. "A choice for what?" she asked cautiously.

He stepped away from the window and approached her, each step measured and deliberate. Carlisia's heart raced as he drew closer. But instead of aggression, he extended his hand to her, a leather-bound book resting on his palm.

"This is my journal. I give you a glimpse into my life and offer you a life where no one will ever hurt you. I will not harm a hair on your head nor let anyone harm it either. You may not believe me but I did not enjoy what I did to you. My kingdom demands justice and being the heir, it is my duty to deliver it."

Carlisia stared at the journal in his hands, pushing back a bit, scared that he might attack her once more.

"What do you want in exchange?" Carlisa's breathing was still ragged, her body too frail as she shook.

Carson straightened, placing the book over the sheets on the bed before looking her straight in the eyes.

"I want you to marry me."

What do you guys think of the update? Would you want Carlisia to marry Carson or go back to Gabriel? Can't wait to see your comments <3.

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