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Carlisia ran as fast as her sore legs would let her. Her top was ripped  her knees scabbed from all the time she had tripped on the rough patchy ground. 

She tripped again, blood dripped from the corner of her mouth as a stone bust her lip. Carlisia quickly got up, and continued to run. 

She could feel his presence.

Not chasing her, no. Observing her.

He was amused how she though she could run away.

Carlisia's knees buckled underneath her, she lay there on the ground sobbing.

 She couldn't take it anymore.

She sniffled as she took deep breaths, trying to get up but her legs wouldn't let her. She sighed, this was it perhaps.

She rolled onto her back and pushed herself up against a tree, just as a figure emerged in front of her. 

"Tired I see?"  The dark voice said after a moment of silence.

"P-please just let me go." Carlisia whispered. Her throat was dry from all the screaming prior.

"Where would you go Carlisia? Hmm? There is no where to run to." He mused as he casually strolled in front of her. Clearly amused by the situation.

"Well, there are places." He said sarcastically, swatting his hand in the air for emphasis.

"Just not ones where you can hide." He tusked finally looking at her straight in the eyes.

"There isn't a place in this world, no nook, no cranny, where I can not get you from. I need you to understand that love." He said as he crouched in front of her and tenderly brought a strand of her loose locks to his nose and took a deep breath, momentarily closing his eyes.

"I will find you from any depth of this universe." he breathed out.

Tears fell from Carlisia's eyes as she looked at the side, trying to push her face away from him, breathing as if a deer caught in headlights.

"Well, not that I will let you leave in the first place." He chuckled ,tugging at the strand as he finally opened his eyes.

They were once again golden.

*This story contains dark scenes which I do NOT support at all. If you are triggered by abuse, assault or this sort of behavior, please do NOT continue reading this. This purely a work of FICTION for the sake of FANTASIES and nothing else.*

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