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Third Person
Five years. Five years without 50% of the universe. Five years Tony Stark had to love without Perrie. Five years without peter.

But in those five years he decided to try again. And that's when Morgan Came along.

Morgan Perrie-John Stark.

The Six original avengers were never the same. Never. One peice of their team will never return. The peice that kept them together.

But they got together with the remainings of the supers who fought and lost to the Mad Titan Thanos.

They went back in time. They retrieved the Stones and came back to original time. They created their own gauntlet.

Tony knew this would bring back the half of the universe. But it would not being back his daughter. She was dead...

For good

Steve breathes in and out breathlessly as he saw the large numbers of Thanos's Army.

"Cap.... Captain...." Steve couldn't help but hear sam's voice.

"On your left" Steve turned around to see sparks of orange appear. Portals from all around appeared behind Steve.

Ariel kicks at the sand. "You think they got it?" She asked newt and Thomas. The two boys look at her.

"Of they got it they would'v-" Thomas was cut off before falling on something. He turned onto his stomach and looked up.

Only to meet with burned ground and appt of people. Fighters. He stands up and see's Wanda fly over him and land on the ground.

We turned around to see his best friends faces overwhelm with shock. They stepped through the portal and they're dirty clothes changed to their old Shield uniforms.

They made their way through the ground of superheroes and Warriors.

"Avengers!!!" Steve yelled.


Without thinking Ariel charged into battle. New too. Thomas was in shock and fought alongside people that he knew were apart of the avengers.

As he fought the ugly alien beasts he couldn't help but notice tony in his iron man suit.

Newt speeds around knocking aliens of their feet. He speeds near stark and boulds over the aliens about to attack tony.

The old man turned surprised to see newt there. "Newt..." Tony said in disbelief.

"Hey Stark" was all newt Said and sped off. Ariel jumps on the alien armies heads as she jumped through the air.

She landed near Wanda and they fought beside each other clearing that space of aliens.

"Ariel?" Wanda said and sallowed. "Hey Wanda..." Wanda wrapped Ariel in a hug.

Ariel hugged back. "I'm sorry. B-b-but you came too late.... Natasha... Vision.... Perrie" Wanda trailed off.

Ariel's eyes widen as tears formed. "No... I thought perrie dying was just a repeatitive nightmare" Ariel said.

Wanda looked down. "No...." Wanda flew away quickly before Ariel could say anything else.

Ariel was heart broken. She didn't want perrie to be dead.

Wanda landed infront of Thanos. Her eyes glowing red in rage. He killed everything she loved. He killed Perrie. His weapon he created and gave away, turned into a evil Robot, killed her brother.

"You took everything from me" Wanda sneered. Her voice laced with venom.

"I don't even know who you are" Thanos said back. Wanda tilted her head.

"Oh you will" she said and raised rocks with her chaos magic. They fought. Wanda using her rage.

She was nearly going to kill this monster that ruined her life when Thanos ship starts firing, knocking her away.

Newt sped to Thomas and Ariel. Thomas grabbed a large chunk of metal and held it above them.

The three watch the shop get destroyed by a female. Ariel knew who she was. Carol Danvers known as Captain Marvel.

She read her file.

The females surrounded her as she took the gauntlet from peter. Peter was speechless.

Not because of the strong females infront of him, but the fact that his friend back four years ago had finally made a return.

The strong female heroics fight the army. The we're showing great power. But Wanda and Ariel had only one thing they thought would make this better.

Having Natasha and Perrie join in the powerful Woman March.

The avengers fought but Tony knew it wasn't enough. He shared a look with Dr strange and they knew what had to happen.

He would do anything to save his Daughter. The only one he had left except for Pepper.

It was about time he reunited with his older children. Perrie and.... John.

Tony fought Thanos. Ariel, newt and Thomas got to the edge and watched. All the Heros and warriors stopped what they were doing.

Thanos thought he was going to win but what he didn't know was that tony had a few tricks up his sleeve.

"I am inevitable"

Thanos goes to snap but nothing happens. A disbeliefal look crosses his face. He turn around to see tony kneeling on the ground as the infinity stones connected to a gauntlet on his hand.

"And I am iron man..."


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