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Ariel's POV
There were many Surviving cities around the world. Domes, that keep the virus out. I decided to teleport to one. I was behind a very unstable looking building.

"Hey!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see men in some type of uniforms running towards me.

I start running down a path. "Get back here missy! You need to be tested!!" A lady yelled. Tested? Oh yeah, the Flares still a thing.

I jump over a fence and so did they. My brown hair flowed in the wind as I came to a dead end. I looked back to see all the men surrounding me.

"Dirty cranks, trying to trick us"  A man taunted. "I'm not a crank, I'm just a traveler" I said. He scoffed.

Suddenly gun shots ring out and a girl drops onto the ground, landing on her feet. I gulp down. Her eyes were a piercing blue and her hair was blood red with hits of black.

"You should be a bit more careful" she says, pointing a crossbow at my head, but at least 2 meters away from me.

"Those were gun shots. Your holding a crossbow" I say. She smirks. "Very intelligent. Let's say I have birdys" she says circling her finger while whistling.

I look up to see men and about two woman pop out from hiding spots. They all jump down or glide down from fallen roofs.

"Test her" a man with black hair a beard said. I was shoved to the floor and I heard a ping and pressure was taken off my shoulders.

"Not a crank." A girls voice said from behind me. Her ginger hair and plump lips were quite the statement. "Alright, everyone head back. I'll talk to newbie over here" Blood hair said.

They all grumble yet walk away. Once they were out of ear shot the woman put her crossbow away.

"What are you exactly doing here? Dome  five isn't the nicest" She informs and holds out her hand for me to grab. I look at it then at her. She sends me a warm smile.

"You gonna grab it or are you gonna keep kneeling in that puddle?" I immediately gripped her hand and was lifted off the ground.

"Your strong" I admitted, she held onto her leather jacket. "That's what happens when you train and train" she says and starts walking away. I decided to follow her.

"So what is this place?" I asked. She gave me a confused look. "This is Dome five. Your in faction 3" she informed.

"Faction 3?" I asked, making her nodded. "Three factions in each done. You got the outsiders, known to be pigs, stealers, poor pest, and absolute assholes. Then there's the Outlanders, not quite as bad as the outsiders but they're still pigs. Then there's the all mightys! The rich! The stubborns! high standards. They're known as the Innerplayers."

"So we're t No good rotten pigs" I say. She chuckled. "We're family here, in faction 2 they're friends. In faction 1 they're strangers" we reached a dead end and I got confused.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked. She laughed more. "Nah, we could use a brain like yours. You look special. And we humans down here like special people" she had an accent. But I couldn't figure it out.

"What's your name?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow. "Just call me sass. It's want everyone calls me" she then climbs a ladder that looked like it would come from a new York apartment.

"You coming?" She asked. I started climbing with her and we got inside this huge warehouse. I saw the people from before. Maybe 8 or 10 of them.

They're were maps, weapons and cabinets at one side of the large room and scatter across the other sides were sheets hang up to create rooms.

Mattresses lay down in each with occasional pillows and blankets. Not much. Not dusty or worn out either.

"Bag please" a boy said to me. He looked about 15 or 16. Probably the youngest out if the group. I gave him my bag and went through it. He smiled when he found one of my bra's.

"Hey!" I yelled and tried to grab it but he flinged it out the window. The group laughs. "Don't worry, Sass has more Of those in her room. I don't think she'll mind to share" the man with the black hair and beard said.

He held out his hand to shake. "Derek Hale, you are?" I gulped shaking his hand. "Ariel. Just Ariel" I say.

"Ariel, nice name. Reminds me of the sea" The ginger head said. "Reminds me of the little mermaid" The 15 year old said from before and made a wave gesture with his hand.

"Only you would know the Disney princesses Liam" Sass basically sasses. "Don't pick on my Disney life. It's not my fault that the little mermaid is my favorite" Liam argued.

I laughed a little. "Lydia Martin" Ginger head said. Another boy came up to me. "Scott, Scott McCall"

"Theo Raekene. An this is Allison Argent" a boy introduces. A man comes up. "Peter Hale"

"Kira Marsh" A Asian lady said and Scott kisses her cheek. Their dating. "Aiden Joza" another said, his twin I suppose also introduced himself. "Kyle Joza"

Alright that's enough" Sass said. "Kyle Aiden make the room and Mattress. I need to talk to Miss Mermaid" Sass basically just sassed again.

She led me up to a roof top and she sat down at the ledge. She was a very tall building. There were other tall buildings dotted out everywhere.

I could basically see walls surrounding us and a large roof hanging over us. "Does it rain?" I asked. It was a stupid question but I decided to ask if anyways.

"Yeah, has to rain so the crops can grow. Grow crops, steal them, eat 'em" Sass said. "Do you guys always steal?" I asked. She smiled lightly looking over all the lights.

We were able to see way over into Faction 1, the Innerplayers. We could also see faction 2, the outlanders.

"I don't. I work in faction 2. I work at a tea shop. With a great friend of mine. Zuko and Uncle Iroh" she explained.

"Uncle Iroh?" I questioned. Her smile widens. "He's not actually my uncle. Everyone just calls him that cause it feels like he is. Makes the best tea in the world. Owns the Jasmine Dragon" she explains.

"So it's just your gang that steals?" I asked. She looks at me.

"We're not a gang Ariel. We're family, and your just a new member" she says smiling so welcoming to me.

"If we're family there's one thing I must know. What's your name? Your real name?" She looked down with a sigh.

"Lilly Hale"

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